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Cultivated Reef

75g FOWLR - Orange spot filefish castle


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The tank is undergoing Prazi. The gramma has been scratching. I did not treat the fish with copper but all were QT'ed for at least 4 weeks.


No idea what it is but prazi is the only thing I can treat the DT with so while I'm waiting for more symptoms I thought I'd be proactive. She is reclusive but shows no other signs of problems.


The copperband died the day after it arrived. It was not fit to be shipped and had some obvious internal issues.

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Awesome stuff. What local reef/tank groups are there in Raleigh? What is the shop that did your glass drilling? Would love to check it all out sometime.


NCSU grads welcome anytime. Well, I guess most reefers are always welcome but wolfpack takes precedent!


I am not in a local group though I do participate at CarolinaFishTalk.com some. There are plenty of things I do not agree with that most people there do regularly...but it is still a great place to meet people and buy an sell locally.


There is also an event called ReefSMART that is held every few months here. Lots of local vendors (all over NC actually) come and meet and sell frags on the cheap in a day of awesome fun. I spent $100 last year and damn near stocked my tank!


It's coming back in November I think!


EDIT: Forgot the glass thing.


I drilled the glass myself and had the baffles for the sump cut at Binswanger on Capital Blvd. Good prices!

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I've been silently following along. Any new updates?


Unfortunately yes. I'm glad you've following!


So I saw some of my fish scratching on the sandbed after I had a bad bag of salt. It was mixing really funky and precipitating in the big can I mix it in. That caused a lot of stress I am assuming and ICH reared its ugly head. I QT all the fish but I never treated for copper because I never saw ICH. I didn't understand the beast fully and learned a rough lesson. Well not TERRIBLY rough but certainly not fun.


I wanted to go ahead and treat but I didn't have room in my QT for all the fish and I didn't want to buy another one and deal with all of that and have to leave my tank fallow for 8 weeks! So I did the dumb thing. I dosed my DT with copper. Dumb to most, but it's actually be great for me.


I have a lot of cuprisorb to run after the fact and the stuff is rechargable and cheap so I can basically run it forever in this tank if I need to without worry. I can easily put inverts back into this tank within a few months. I had a little ammonia spike at first but since the tank was started with all dry rock and sand it really hasn't been terrible. The bacterial colonies are still fighting and I'm back to 0ppm ammonia and nitrite. Nitrate is a little higher than it has been at about 10ppm. The fish are all extremely healthy and the tank is completely stocked. Before the copper treatment I moved two fish over to the tank that are probably controversial but they are both very healthy and they will move to the big plywood haven when I move unless they just get too big before that is setup and I can give them to my LFS, who I have developed a really great relationship with over the past few months.


The tank has been running with a 0.35ppm concentration of Cu since last Sunday so I have about 3 weeks remaining. Everyone is healthy and happy so I'm not complaining. The tank is stocked completely and once the treatment is over I won't have to worry about anymore diseases being introduced.


I just recorded a video but it's HD and takes a while to upload...give me a second and I'll link you!

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  • 2 weeks later...




The fish look great! I hope the ich goes away soon :)


Thanks AM.


ICH was gone the day after it exploded. So weird. That was the most stressful day I've had in the hobby by far.


Everyone has been doing well with the exception of my male filefish. He stopped eating and got extremely frail. I came back from Work on Friday and he was on the verge of death. I actually watched him get sucked up against the MP40 and he would have died there had I not literally been watching. I turned off teh flow and he swam away on his own. I then was able to simply cup him with my hand and pull him out. I dropped him into a QT tank immediately which had similar parameters but obviously not identical as it didn't have any copper in it or any water changes in 3 weeks. He has not eaten since that occurence but miraculously he is still alive. I'm doing a big change on that tank tomorrow and hoping he pulls out of it.


The DT is doing great though and all the fish are happy and healthy and eating well at 0.35ppm Cu level. I will probably start slowly lowering it starting next weekend. I'm tired of testing twice a day!

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  • 3 months later...

Hey Dustin,


How about an update. You've been too quiet for too long.





Just checked your other thread. Sorry you took this one down.

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  • 3 months later...
Any updates? I am upgrading to a 75 now, so I am reading up on the 75 threads.


The tank is still running (I just removed all the fish and sold them back in November...didn't actually take it down).


It's been up for a year this month.


There is a single lionfish in there now. I got him really small and he has grown super fast. I'm going to be taking him back to the LFS in a couple of weeks it looks like. I may sell the tank at that point. I love the reef but my time is severely limited with work and this hobby makes things difficult sometimes.





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  • 3 months later...
Sorry to hear it. What was the big time sink for you once you had it all up and running?


When it had all the other fish in it or now that is just has the lion?


This tank is for sale, everyone.


I also may be selling some livestock from my nano-reef, which has SPS trying to grow out of the water now. It is now two years old.


Here's the link to the 75g sale. $500 and you get one hell of a setup!


75g Sale Thread

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