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cyano in cpr aquafuge


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Never had a cyano problem until it started growing in my cpr fuge and slipped into the display tank. I know all the procedures to eradicate it which I have started to do but just wanted to know if I should add a powerhead like a koralia 240 into the CPR to increase the flow to help prevent any growth in the future.


Also should I give the CPR a vinegar bath? Thanks

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I had a problem that sounds a lot like yours for awhile, in my 28 Nano Cube. What finally got rid of the cyano for me was to add my stock skimmer back and make a refugium. I think the combination helped to reduce the amount of nutrients available and finally starve the cyano out. I tried almost everything, I didn't feed the tank for more than six months and did bi-weekly 5 gallon water changes. Tried Chemi-Clean ATLEAST 6 different times and even doubled the does, in a last ditch effort. I also bought an MP-10 thinking flow was the problem, despite having both MJ-1200's running 24/7. Even with the MP-10 running full bore, making dunes everywhere, the Cyano grew. ( I should also add I was running a 5 stage RO/DI unit with 0 TDS) I think your fuge will clear up in a few weeks with the addition of Chaeto. Patience is the name of the game here. I let the Chaeto run its course. It grows like crazy, I end up cleaning out the refugium every two-weeks because it grows wall to wall in there. It's like a solid brick, when I take it out. I hope this helps.







Never had a cyano problem until it started growing in my cpr fuge and slipped into the display tank. I know all the procedures to eradicate it which I have started to do but just wanted to know if I should add a powerhead like a koralia 240 into the CPR to increase the flow to help prevent any growth in the future.


Also should I give the CPR a vinegar bath? Thanks

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