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Anemone Crab leg regrowth


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I got a new anemone crab today :D .....got home and I think I remember why it took them so long to get it out of the small tank it was in......it is missing 4 legs! :angry: I looked in the bag and saw no appendages so it didnt happen on the way home, should have checked it out better...... So.....how long does it take these little guys to molt? The store does not accept returns.....It seems to be ok, it is just moving around on the two front legs it has, and it still has it's pinchers....as soon as it went in the tank a snail went to check it out/annoy it and it started trying to pinch it! This is my 3rd crab, unfortunately my recent emerald crab met it's demise somehow in my refugium and i found bits of it floating around. I have another larger anemone in the tank but it has staked claim to a rock and just chills there.....


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Molt times vary so much that it is hard to say. The last time it molted, water parameters, the crab's age/growth rate, stress, etc all affect when they will molt. I've had a shrimp lose four legs and the new legs were only partially formed on the next molt. However, its legs where perfect after the following molt. If it can move, eat, and defend itself, it should be fine.

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