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Cultivated Reef

This has got to stop! Who's with me?


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Here is my take on what happens on the local forums here. I have been posting on this site for over four months now, and I would like to point out the extreme bias on blog websites such as this. First, I would like to invite anyone reading this post to go out and just read a couple hundred topics in general. Don't want to? Well, I read much more than that. What I have read can be disturbing. People lashing out at new ideas, ripping other people apart, totally downing something that took somebody thousands of dollars to get to, or just downright being dirty and mean for no reason. I'm definitely a victim of this, but I do not feel alone. People will stop by and not type one positive thing. Do I know these people I ask? Why are they going out of their way to say these things?


My second request asks you to go read some posts that don't have negative comments on them. Nano tanks less than a year old scaped and rescaped every time algae comes in. These people are just creating illusions. It's not what a real reef would look like. I can literally paddle out 30 feet when I get to the beach 2 miles away and be at a reef. I KNOW what a reef looks like. It doesn't look like some of these picturesque tanks out there. Now, if your aquarium is over a year old and algae free, then good for you, you got a nice choice of rocks, have 1-2 fish, and there is no self sustainability whatsoever in terms of the chain of life. You have a great flower tank. This is what you wanted. Other people have different goals when creating a scene.


Thirdly, I ask anyone who is about to post a comment on a blog to make helpful suggestions. Be educated and try to KNOW what you are talking about before you post. This may involve reading several sites, understanding graphical information in terms of a high school level minimum, or reading the same SCHOLARLY article multiple times to confirm what you are seeing. Don't just skim wiki and think that's a fact. Wiki is dynamic and constantly changing. It is not where science or anything for that matter begins or ends.


Lastly, and to sum up what I've said here, stop being BIASED!!! When you read a post, do not look at who posted it or what gender they are. Become instantly neutral to who posted it. Look at the facts!!! Point out the positive things you can see first before you point out the negativity. I can handle some negativity when its just towards me, but the things I have read on this site towards others are downright nasty, negative, and subhuman.These people should be banned, and thanks for those who have banned the right people. The ONLY comments I have ever offered were meant to be constructive not to criticize. So, don't loop me with those people or think I'm being hypocritical. I can be nasty, but I keep it to myself and for the most part I am trying to be positive on this site with all the negativity going around.



Your Pal Fishstrings

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Thank you for saying this, however I dont think this will stop the dicks from being dicks!! Thanks for saying what many people are thinking!

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nr has always sort of been for the thicker skinned, this isnt a new thing, was worse last summer if anything it has been improving by leaps and bounds.



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I'm with Paul on this one. (IBTL) I do agree tho that people on here are being dicks lately and I don't like it. Why does everything have to be so polarized? calm down people, theres nothing to get nasty about. There are many methods, and yours isn't the one true way.

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I tend to overlook stupid comments from stupid people, luckily i havent been a target myself, but I definately know where your comming from.


Unfortunately no matter what forum you are on, wether it be corals, sew, marijuana, or whatever hobby, your gunna find people that like to excersise their freedom of speech regardless of wether its constructive or deconstructive.


My advice to those who feel "picked on" (loose term), is to report negative posts and ignoring rather than retaliation. Then hopefully the MODS will do their job...

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This is the internet, which allows people to be their worst, as they face no real threat of having their face kicked in. I don't disagree with what you said, but the best you can do is to not let 10 bad apples spoil the 1 good one that is out there on these forums.

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I lol'd. Now everyone at the office is looking at me funny. :lol:


You just found out? Oh man they have been doing that for a while now :lol:

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Then hopefully the MODS will do their job...

The mods do their job here. Just because someone butthurts someone else is not a reason for a ban unless it was a personal attack.


Unless you report the post, the mods don't even know that you have a problem. They don't read every post that is put on this board. If it is a personal attack, then report it or block the person.

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Unfortunately no matter what forum you are on, wether it be corals, sew, marijuana, or whatever hobby, your gunna find people that like to excersise their freedom of speech regardless of wether its constructive or deconstructive.


My advice to those who feel "picked on" (loose term), is to report negative posts and ignoring rather than retaliation. Then hopefully the MODS will do their job...


Oh, the internet bad girl grandmas on the sewing forums are definitely the worst!


And there are plenty of bad moderators that perpetuate the situation on the various forums out there.

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Then hopefully the MODS will do their job...


This is pretty much a self regulated forum which has benefits, but I am jealous of the 401K plan the mods receive here.

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Not to be one of those dicks, but did you really write this? Seriously, get a life. It's the Internet so what! Go work on your tank, get fresh air, bang a chick/your wife or maybe a dude...I don't know what your into. :huh:


My advice is everyone get a backbone.

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