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free mantis shrimp


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young scaly tailed mantis will grow big, spearer class, i havent seen it personally b/c my brother dropped him in the sump and i cant bend over, but we are pretty sure that is the right id. you pay shipping $40 without an order, can be added without additional charge to any order already leaving with Express Mail. $11 shipping in FL. mantis is fairly colorful, about 5 inches long at the moment.

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tank is one of those requirements we just cant work around. :)


also sargassum will be back, really nice right now

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How do I call dibs?


Reason to upgrade to a bigger macro tank.


Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Want X1000

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dibs on what? sargassum? i bought a few gallons, some for everyone. :) it is pretty much stable and should be on the site soon. mantis shrimp? just call "dibs on mantis" and then he is yours

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"dibs on mantis"


Hahaha, I would be a sad fellow if I was that excited about some sargassum. Hahaha. Although being that excited about a shrimp is just as lame.

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agreed, this isnt regular run of the mill washes up in bales sargassum either, probably less common than the mantis.

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I do need to place an order anyway.....so maybe some sargassum is in my future. That puny little 10G tank with some caulerpa is not going to cut it ;)

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speaking of which, AM you have a variety heading your way. some of the rocks are good for the "legs" in your project, others are flat...you probably will want the middle centerpiece still but that flat rock you have will solve all the flat needs. I have a good center rock too...well anyway you will be happy, it is really nice rock that we sent.

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John, how should I let you know it is me when I order? Just throw "give me a mantis" in the comments? Want to make a mantis related coupon code for me? Hahaha. I might need to wait to order till next week if that is cool. But I am totally set on getting the deal done.

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next week is fine, yeah just leave me a note. he will go for actual shipping (near $40) or subsidized shipping with an order, either way would work.

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speaking of which, AM you have a variety heading your way. some of the rocks are good for the "legs" in your project, others are flat...you probably will want the middle centerpiece still but that flat rock you have will solve all the flat needs. I have a good center rock too...well anyway you will be happy, it is really nice rock that we sent.

I can't thank you enough man. I really look forward to getting the rock! Then I can rinalkly get this tank wet! :happydance:

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next week is fine, yeah just leave me a note. he will go for actual shipping (near $40) or subsidized shipping with an order, either way would work.


Hey John;


Just ordered.


Order Number: 00011027

Order Date: Friday, 01 April 2011 20:01


Looking forward to the mantis! And the macros, and the crabs, and the everything else.... ;)

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You can get mantis shrimp at the Chinese supermarkets/ fish markets... Someone gave one to me for free before when I walked into one.. Have now clue why they did, could have lost my finger when I was a kid.. Although there the dull ugly ones.



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I actually saw a guy eat one on Food Network "Bizarre Foods" last week. He got it from a fish market/fisherman live and took it somewhere to be cooked. He was in Hong Kong and called it a "mantis prawn". Looked tasty ;)

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I actually saw a guy eat one on Food Network "Bizarre Foods" last week. He got it from a fish market/fisherman live and took it somewhere to be cooked. He was in Hong Kong and called it a "mantis prawn". Looked tasty ;)



Andrew Zimmern from St. Paul, Minnesota! Love his show.

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Who wants a snack? * Mantis shrimp give me the chills for some reason, aliens.. I was looking at the peacock ones today in my LFS in acrylic bottles.

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their is a lot of people who eat them here too. southerners have all sorts of exotic foods too. they are mainly caught for food in FL I think, even more so than for the hobby. Also used as bait for sheepshead. Some mudflats are thick with them...they use cane poles.

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well the mantis is taken but i have free other things, including a neon gsp like encrusting gorg from a member who is to remain anonymous. it is also free, small frags because that is how i made them, but they grow fast.

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