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need advice on 2nd chamber


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Hey everyone.

I'm new to the boards, actually just found it today. This forum is amazing!

I recently sent up my first saltwater tank, a 29g biocube. It's been up about 2 months now. Everything in the setup is pretty much the stock equipment. I have added a koralia 425 powerhead.


The 1st chamber holds my protein skimmer, and mechanical filter.

2nd chamber currently is sitting empty

3rd chamber houses the stock pump, heater and in place of the sponge a media bag with phosloc.


any ideas on how I should handle the 2nd chamber? any thoughts or suggestions would be great.



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Thanks for the response. The media basket is in the mail. :D


I recently purchased a "intank" media basket for my 14 gallon biocube... Its amazing! Just wait until you see how he packages the product for shipping.... Its a thing of beauty lol

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Can't wait to get it. My tank is still in the early stages. The only inhabitants are my cuc. I only picked up the media basket, with plans of grabbing either the fuge or protein skimmer next. What's the better option?

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I don't have the InTank basket but am sure you will be pleased with it. Here is a picture of what I have in my back chambers.


I no longer have the Stealth Heater since the recall though.



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received my media basket from inTank today and am super thrilled with it!! Now I just need to decide on either fuge or skimmer

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