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My 27 Gallon Frogfish Tank Journey


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My boyfriend has been working on building me a custom LED fixture for my tank and he finished it today! I am really excited to see how my corals grow under these new lights. I also got another angler! I ordered and antennarius sp. from divers den but i am pretty sure what i got is a Lophiocharon trisignatus. He hides a lot, and i havent gotten him to eat yet. its been about 2 days.


I really want to add a clam to my tank now that i have adequate lighting. Sadly, im broke so i wont be able to get one for a while. I guess i can spend this time deciding what kind i want to get! Well here are some pictures.




Stumpy, my emerald crab sitting on bowsers back <3


Mushu, my new angler



I also added some new videos of my anglers to my youtube page. Check it out!


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I love this tank! I would really like to have a frogfish, but my current situation won't allow for it for various reasons.


Also, nice scape!

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Love the new LED fixture !! And the new Angler.


thank you! The new angler has picked a spot he likes in the back of the tank, so sadly i dont see him much :( Im hoping he will come out more as he gets more comfortable.



I love this tank! I would really like to have a frogfish, but my current situation won't allow for it for various reasons.


Also, nice scape!


Thank you! I dont know how many times i changed the scape until i was finally satisfied. Im warning you, if you ever get a frogfish, you will never want any other kind of fish again! I am soo in love with these little guys :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
your anglers don't eat the inverts?


So far they have not attempted anything with my hermits. I have a large coral banded shrimp that they dont seem to mind him, but i am thinking of moving him into my 55 gallon anyways because he is getting HUGE and sometimes he lunges at my anglers when they walk by his "spot".

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I think im in love! :wub: Bowser is just too cute, he just looks so spongey! (yeah, I know I sound crazy, but hes such a cutie).

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I think im in love! :wub: Bowser is just too cute, he just looks so spongey! (yeah, I know I sound crazy, but hes such a cutie).


awww thanks! I love him too! he is so ugly he is cute with his one little tooth. He does look like a sponge, and he kinda feels like squishy sandpaper (if that makes sense?). They really are the coolest fish!

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woh, i had never seen a frogfish before , but i can tell you the pictures do not do any justice to how awesome it really looks. The video was really nice ! great job

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woh, i had never seen a frogfish before , but i can tell you the pictures do not do any justice to how awesome it really looks. The video was really nice ! great job


thanks! I am having lots of fun taking pictures and making/editing videos. I just think they are the coolest fish. The first one i saw was about 7 months ago, and it was a giant yellow commersons frogfish. I asked the store owner if it was a real fish because i had never seen/heard of them before and he looked to perfect and brightly colored i thought he was a spongey decoration! Its been a long journey since that day but i knew when i saw him i wanted to own one eventually :)

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Love your frogs!!!! This is the only fish I've had and I've had 5 of em..... watch that coral banded and the emerald they have been known to pick on the frogs atleast mine did watched my emerald grab my frog and tore him open that quick! I love these fish as well mushu is sweet! Check out mine under wartskin bio cube 14 gallon I have a link to a really good frog site too if ya didn't kno about it check it out

oh and about marineland :angry: my house caught fire xmas eve cause of their heater!!!

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Love your frogs!!!! This is the only fish I've had and I've had 5 of em..... watch that coral banded and the emerald they have been known to pick on the frogs atleast mine did watched my emerald grab my frog and tore him open that quick! I love these fish as well mushu is sweet! Check out mine under wartskin bio cube 14 gallon I have a link to a really good frog site too if ya didn't kno about it check it out

oh and about marineland :angry: my house caught fire xmas eve cause of their heater!!!


yeah i have noticed sometimes my coral banded pinches my froggie if he passes his "area". I think im going to move him into my 55 gallon. Im going to check out your tank after i post this! Wow im sorry to hear about your house catching fire! How did it happen? Was it the stealth one? I heard they can explode is that what happened to yours?

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  • 3 weeks later...

here are some updated pictures!










New corals added 7/3/2011

ORA purple maxima


Pink millepora






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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, i got a few new corals at the SEAMAX convention in seattle last week. I moved a few things around, and things are going well. Here are some pics!


New zoas




New staghorn



Some randoms pictures









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  • 2 months later...

TANK UPDATE 10/21/2011


A lot has happened since the last post. My fiance and I went on vacation to the Philippines for 3 weeks and left our tanks in the care of a few friends . . . long story short the fish were fat and happy but we had a CRAZY cyano bacteria take over. My take was completely smothered in cyano. Lost a few corals but the froggies were fine. I had to completely clean off all my rocks, do a huge water change and move stuff around, and also dosed my tank with a cyano removing product called Aquavision Cyano Solution. I havent had cyano since, i am very happy with the results (this happened over a month ago). I got a few new corals and things are going great. Bowser and Mushu havent had any problems and are both eating every 3 days. Here are some pics!












Also, check out my youtube page! I have lots of new videos of my froggies, and one really good one of feeding them both :)



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Nice setup! I love your anglers' names :) How's it working having 2 together? Are they getting along well?


thanks! It has worked out fine for me. They have been together 5 months now and I havent had any issues, although I know with these guys you can never be sure! They often sit squished next to each other on a certain rock, and dont seem to mind each other at all. I keep up with regular feedings every 3 days so they are pretty happy :)

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