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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Cleaning pumps/powerheads...


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im just wondering what the quickest/most effective way of cleaning the pumps and powerheads in my tank (including my hydor flo)... someone said I could use vinegar?

is it just any vinegar i can use? do i just soak the pump in it and then rinse it in some freshwater and put it in my tank? anyone have any tips?



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yes vinegar is easiest. u don't need all vinegar. just dilute it in some water and let it sit over night then take a brush to it and rinse it under the tap. Let it dry and it's like brand spanking new! :)

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yes vinegar is easiest. u don't need all vinegar. just dilute it in some water and let it sit over night then take a brush to it and rinse it under the tap. Let it dry and it's like brand spanking new! :)




and white vinegar is probly best

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azdesertrat suggets using 100% vinegar and then pour it back into the bottle after your cleaning session. White vinegar is only $3 or so a gallon but it can be reused multiple times.


You'll be surprised how well vinegar cleans everything. It will look brand new.

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thanks guys


i did want to clean the return pump, do i need to let the pump sit in the vinegar overnight or do u think i could just put it in there while doing a WC and then rince it and put it back in?

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i just cleaned my hydor flo and one of my pumps tonight with white vinegar. i let both of them sit in the vinegar for about 10-15 minutes and then i removed it from the vinegar and rinsed it off quickly in some freshwater. most of the algae is gone (except for a lil spot i missed with the toothbrush) and it looks brand new!


the only thing i noticed was that both the pump and the hydor flo have what looks to be a little red residue on its surface, is this normal? white vinegar can't harm the water can it?



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can someone reassure me that this red stuff on my pumps i cleaned with white vinegar is okay?


after rinsing off the pump i put it right back in the tank, would any vinegar harm the tank?

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peroxide helps too.. just make sure you rinse it well after. maybe vinegar after rinsing.


it oxidizes the algea and kills it.


My koralias are all covered with coraline algae now.. :)

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