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Coral Vue Hydros

Clown is hosting my Chaeto


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I just added my first fish (clown) to my first ever SW tank. I have a bunch of chaeto in a plastic shower caddy suctioned to the side of the tank...and my Clown (that I added yesterday) has decided to host it. He slept inside the shower caddy last night lol






just wanted to share.

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Clowns will host just about anything.


My cousin took a small sandwich bag and cut some holes in it and put chaeto in it. He was constantly running his sebae clown out of it.

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I freaked out this morning when I saw the little guy on his side in the caddy, i ran over and poked him with my finger! He did not look to happy.


I think i may move the caddy down a bit because it is very close to the surface. I will see if he follows it down.

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Thats awsome , took my pair of clowns in my other tank nearly 6months to realise i had a nem and a larage hammer head coral in the tank to host. Your just lucky eh ;) or your clown is wild caught and not tank bred maybe

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Thats awsome , took my pair of clowns in my other tank nearly 6months to realise i had a nem and a larage hammer head coral in the tank to host. Your just lucky eh ;) or your clown is wild caught and not tank bred maybe


I think he is tank bred, atleast that is what the LFS owner said, another guy that was there chimed in and said you can tell by the incomplete white stripe on the tail?

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