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ric mushroom


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Quick question, is it normal for the ric mushroom to spilt and make two on its own? Mine on the one rock has done this, or is the ric possibly sick?


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Quick question, is it normal for the ric mushroom to spilt and make two on its own? Mine on the one rock has done this, or is the ric possibly sick?



ricordea can form two mouths and subsequently split into two mushrooms. i know this from extensive research and not personal experience. i hesitated to post because there are a lot of "omg don't post if you don't know" people around these days, but i've discussed it with a smarter reefer sitting next to me and figured fine, i'd post :D


someone with actual experience can confirm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes it is very common for mushrooms of all kinds to reproduce via division. I have one in my tank with 2 well formed mouths now that will hopefully divide soon. I will try and post a ic of it later.

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