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Ninja Monti Eating Nudis?


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Ive been battling an unknown foe that is killing my superman montipora. Now I look in the tank and see my rainbow monti is also being attacked! Its much worse than the superman. Large areas of flesh completely gone! I looked carefully with a bright flashlight and see no trace of nudis. I looked under it and around it and no trace. The damage look spot on with pictures of confirmed monti nudis damage.


What the heck do I do? How to fight a foe you cannot see? Ive got the rainbow sitting in a betadine dip now after scrubbing the underside of it.



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the only thing I can think of is an iodine dip or something similar. Look very closely, same thing happened to me, but the nudi's look like polyps w/ little spikes on their back, very very sneaky

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the only thing I can think of is an iodine dip or something similar. Look very closely, same thing happened to me, but the nudi's look like polyps w/ little spikes on their back, very very sneaky



Hmmm....Very sneaky indeed. I did a strong dip with iodine for 30 mins. I will lightly brush the monti with a new toothbrush just to make sure. Any other things that could cause this instead of a nudi? The damage is on the top rather than the bottom sides. Lifting the frag revealed only some starfish and what looked like a small chitton.


This sucks...


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30 mins?!!?!



I do a strong dip in a lugols based coral dip (yellow/brown tinted water), but only for a few minutes. I've got a season's greetings monti which has had nudis a couple times (I suspect they lay eggs if I catch it too late...) and they are hard to spot because they are white like the skeleton of the coral they've already eaten.... but that makes the mucus of the coral slightly off-color and makes the whole thing pale for a few days. That's a sub 10 minute dip.



Post pics and keep your eyes on it. Could be nudis, maybe asterina, maybe something else?

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30 mins?!!?!



I do a strong dip in a lugols based coral dip (yellow/brown tinted water), but only for a few minutes. I've got a season's greetings monti which has had nudis a couple times (I suspect they lay eggs if I catch it too late...) and they are hard to spot because they are white like the skeleton of the coral they've already eaten.... but that makes the mucus of the coral slightly off-color and makes the whole thing pale for a few days. That's a sub 10 minute dip.



Post pics and keep your eyes on it. Could be nudis, maybe asterina, maybe something else?


Would too long of a dip show instant signs of damage? Im hoping 30 mins wasnt enough to hurt it. It is showing its polyps again.


Now that you mention it, there were asternias hiding under the frag tile its on, but I have never seen them on the coral itself.



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Builder Anthony

I have a asteria that eats a orange film.They leave a very small section cleared off.I let mine eat the thing buy i move it now and then so they dont finish it off.If they walk over it it is fine but if you see them sittining on it take a lok after they move and see if it is cleared off where he was sitting.If you dont want your starfish id return it to a petsore.Posting a picture of the top of the starfish would help.

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Found even more tissue missing today. Another spot on the coral is gone! I left the lights off for a few hours last night and then "snuck up" on the tank with a powerful flashlight to see if anything was on the corals...Nothing at all! But new damage, non the less. Back into the Betadine...


What could be doing this? Could water quality or flow cause this as well? The damage looks spot on with pictures online of nudi damage, but I see no nudis and I have been nuking the corals in strong betadine dips.


Now I guess I need to find some potassium permangante. Where do I get such a thing? Thank God my sunset montipora is fine. I also have a large plating red montipora cap that is also just fine and RIGHT NEXT to these two butt head montis that are withering away.


Thanks guys!


BTW-The Betadine doesnt seem to be stressing the corals at all. It IS killing all the poor pods that are on them though. :-(


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So I got some potassium permanganate crystals and am following the guidelines found here: http://www.3reef.com/forums/diseases/monti...nchs-46433.html


We will see how the corals respond. Dipped them last night and today see much less NEW deterioration. (Saw a little more, but perhaps it was flesh that was doomed already rather than consumed after the nuke dip) Usually it is much larger areas of pure white skeleton showing rather than tiny bits.


I thought it might be a really slow STN so I scrubbed it with an toothbrush. Nothing wanted to come off the skeleton (unlike an acropora I lost last year in such a mysterious way). Its got to be nudis, huh?


Still dont SEE anything, but do see the damage. I couldnt see there being a water quality problem when my acroporas are looking nice. Man does the ORA Borealis acropora heal quickly! I fragged it a month or so ago and cannot pick out where it was fragged! Thats how quick the branches grew back!

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