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banggai cardinal is going to die


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I have had 3 banggai cardinals before and all of them started breathing hard, then stopped eating, then died a couple days later and no one could tell me why. After not having fish in my tank for 6 weeks, I bought a beautiful juvenile male banggai. I have had him for 2 weeks and he has been eating well and looking great...


But i went to feed him this morning and he isn't even remotely interested in food and he's breathing quite heavy. This is the exact same thing the other ones did shortly before they died.


There are no other fish in the tank so he's not being bullied. Specs are as follows:



pH: 8.0-8.2

Nitrate: 0

Nitrite: 0

Ammonia: 0

Phosphate: .25 (he only eats frozen food so thats why the phosphates are high)

temp: 79 F


I give him a varied diet of vitamin C enriched mysis, spirulina brine shrimp, vitamin enriched daphnia, plankton, vitamin C enriched krill, and I mix in Prime reef flakes but he spits them out and the shrimp end up eating them. I feed small amounts 2x per day and he also picks at pods on the glass so its certainly not malnutrition.


Does anyone know what this is?

My only thought is that maybe it's cyanide poisoning?

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not one single person has any idea??? man, i really am f*cked



Any stray electricity in the tank? I had to put a Ti ground in my tank at my last apartment. Fish were fine for a few days, then gone. I didn't believe it could be the problem. Found the ground at my LFS and everyone was happy after that.


Not necessarily your issue but something to think about.



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Any stray electricity in the tank? I had to put a Ti ground in my tank at my last apartment. Fish were fine for a few days, then gone. I didn't believe it could be the problem. Found the ground at my LFS and everyone was happy after that.


Not necessarily your issue but something to think about.



would it only affect 1 tank? because i have 2 other tanks in close proximity that are fine

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would it only affect 1 tank? because i have 2 other tanks in close proximity that are fine



Are they sharing the same outlets?


The heater or an internal pump could be bleeding off electricity. I dont know if a volt meter will show the voltage.



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Are they sharing the same outlets?


The heater or an internal pump could be bleeding off electricity. I dont know if a volt meter will show the voltage.




no they're on different outlets. the shrimp aren't showing any signs of distress though. but i'll look into it

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If it is from the way the fish were collected, I wouldn't buy from the fish store you got them any more...


yeah if (when) i decide to get more, i'm going with captive bred. I got this guy from a different store than i got the others from and i've read dozens of posts by people whose banggai cardinals died shortly after purchase. i honestly think more of them die than survive

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