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Protien skimmer.. now, later, or never


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So i have a 29 biocube and its been 2 months now that ive had it up with rock, water, and live sand from a larger tank of mine. I have a biocube protien skimmer (yes i know its not the best) but I was curious on when i should hook it up. Ive been using it on a larger tank with a much larger air pump. Ive heard that theres no point in putting a protien skimmer on a new tank since there isnt much waste and i would like to leave it on the other tank for as long as possible so i can save some money up for a nice one. Ive also heard that UV steralizers are the way to go... i was just curious on everyones opinion on when the best time is to put on a protien skimmer, if a skimmer is the way to go, and maybe some good skimmers/steralizers for a biocube


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Short answer.. later.


Long answer.. you use protein skimmers to maintain an ultra low nutrient environment.


The only corals that require this are "difficult" SPS specimens. In fact, some others (Xenia is a popular example) do better with nutrients in the water. Also worth noting is that many people, myself included, successfully keep SPS without one (though the color might not be as intense).


Until you actually have coral in the tank that is adversely affected by nitrate/phosphate, save the cash.

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So i have a 29 biocube and its been 2 months now that ive had it up with rock, water, and live sand from a larger tank of mine. I have a biocube protien skimmer (yes i know its not the best) but I was curious on when i should hook it up. Ive been using it on a larger tank with a much larger air pump. Ive heard that theres no point in putting a protien skimmer on a new tank since there isnt much waste and i would like to leave it on the other tank for as long as possible so i can save some money up for a nice one. Ive also heard that UV steralizers are the way to go... i was just curious on everyones opinion on when the best time is to put on a protien skimmer, if a skimmer is the way to go, and maybe some good skimmers/steralizers for a biocube



I have read numerous threads here on N-R saying that both the AquaticLife 115 and the Tunze 9002 are excellent. The Tunze is said to be the best, although it's also quite pricey (for my taste). The AquaticLife is also said to be quite good, and there's a recently updated thread in the AIO forum detailing how to install the AquaticLife on a BC29. I have recently seen the AquaticLife for sale at mediabaskets.com for about $60. This is about the same price as the Oceanic BioCube skimmer, which by all reports doesn't work nearly as well.


I have a standard BC29, still cycling, and have already removed the stock filter cartridge from chamber 1, and as soon as the initial cycle is over plan to install an AquaticLife there.


Bob the Builder

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Just fyi I have the 115 skimmer in a biocube hqi combined with the media and fuge basket and it all works very well together. The skimmer works really well for a lower priced unit

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It also depends on what you want your water to look like. Do you want crystal clear sparkling water, or do you not mind having a film on top of the water? Without a skimmer, my tank gets a film on top, and it doesn't look as good to me. I guess it depends on if you have the cash and are willing to buy one. Your reef won't fail without one, though.

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