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Peppermint shrimp and Goby Care


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...so the other day I got a peppermint shrimp because I was tired of staring at an empty tank. Spent $7 on the guy (named Sazón) just to have him hide in the darkest, tiniest crevice he could find. (Why was I so proud of creating so many caves and crevasses with my LR?!) So now I still have a seemingly empty tank. LOL. Anyways, I asked the LFS guy what kind of food to use, he said "any food". I was like, "Even fish food?" "Yeah".

This seems a bit strange to me. What do you guys feed your shrimpies?


Also, I am leaning towards getting a clown goby because i hear they have a ton of personality. Are they hiders too? I want a fish I can watch, not a fish that's going to hide with my shrimp. :-/ Also, are they really hardy? I read they were really picky eaters. I've already got 1 pet that's a picky eater, I don't care to get another one. (Sugar gliders are more finicky about their food than some children I know. If they don't want it, they'll toss it out of the cage. And it's a deliberate thing! Not just an "oops, it fell out" kind of a thing. It's a throw-it-out-of-the-cage-and-straight-into-hell kind of thing.)


Going now to check the SG of the tank.. :-/ Thanks for your help!

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yea, peps are pretty nocturnal and hide all day..skunk cleaners are friendlier and tend to have a nice personality. Peps will eat pretty much anything. ime, green clown gobies are muuuuch easier to care for than yellows and painted ones. my green was a trooper..they're cool when they perch but sometimes they're busy in the rockwork. they perch more than hang on the substrate like most other gobies, which is cool because you'll tend to see them a bit more often. maybe you can get one and name it sofrito :lol:


instead of the :/ face about measuring your salinity, get a refracto.. you'll be better off as they're more accurate (with the use of calibration fluid) and it's easier to measure also.


sugar gliders are sick! how big/tall of a cage do you have yours in?! after i graduate and can care for them i'm definitely getting one lol i've wanted one since highschool!

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Get some frozen fish food., and put a little bit of that in there with your pumps turned off., I use a bamboo skewer to put the food to go where I want it.,., peps love to eat., and once he starts figuring out hes the only thing in the tank hell come out more often., My peppermint was all over the place., but I had to get rid of him because he was picking at my corals

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LMAO @ sogreedy! Glad somebody got the name Sazon! And I can most likely have the distinction of being the only Korean you know that makes her own Sofrito! (My boyfriend is Boricua so I learned to cook PR food for him :-D My favorite is arroz con salchicha)


Anyways, back to business... my LFS doesn't have green clown goby but I can always check the one south of me on my day off. The way my params are right now I don't want anything else in there and it looks like Sazon is angry because he's molting again. I need a heater for my WC water ASAP. (Another noob oversight).


I have my glider (Chancho) in a 3 ft tall cage that's about 1.5 x 1.5 ft and it seems to be just fine running around and making all kinds of ruckus. Gliders are hilarious. They are horrendous for feeding though. Mine seems to want only cherry tomatoes, so I have to pull out all the seeds before I give them to her because otherwise they can make an intestinal blockage. I think she eats them just to spite me. And they also need a specialized "formula" food on top of the fruits and veggies. Chancho eats HPW (High Protein Wambaroo) which means I have to order Australian Bee Pollen online. But they are uber-cute...


Thanks for the fishie advice!

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LMAO @ sogreedy! Glad somebody got the name Sazon! And I can most likely have the distinction of being the only Korean you know that makes her own Sofrito! (My boyfriend is Boricua so I learned to cook PR food for him :-D My favorite is arroz con salchicha)


Anyways, back to business... my LFS doesn't have green clown goby but I can always check the one south of me on my day off. The way my params are right now I don't want anything else in there and it looks like Sazon is angry because he's molting again. I need a heater for my WC water ASAP. (Another noob oversight).


I have my glider (Chancho) in a 3 ft tall cage that's about 1.5 x 1.5 ft and it seems to be just fine running around and making all kinds of ruckus. Gliders are hilarious. They are horrendous for feeding though. Mine seems to want only cherry tomatoes, so I have to pull out all the seeds before I give them to her because otherwise they can make an intestinal blockage. I think she eats them just to spite me. And they also need a specialized "formula" food on top of the fruits and veggies. Chancho eats HPW (High Protein Wambaroo) which means I have to order Australian Bee Pollen online. But they are uber-cute...


Thanks for the fishie advice!

my mom can't even make her own sofrito :lol: we have to wait until wela makes it lol. i think a green clown goby would suit you much better, mine actively comes to get the food in the water column instead of waiting for it to drop to the substrate. as long as you know you won't be able to keep more than one in there (they'll fight) you'll be fine.


gliders seem like so much work lol i wish i had my own place though, i'd definitely have a pair.

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In my experience yellow clown gobies are pretty easy to care for and they do have interesting personalities. Plus, their little rosy cheeks are cute as hell. My yellow clown will eat any of the foods I throw in for the other fish mostly small pellets, cyclopeeze and frozen mysis shrimp.


The yellow clown likes to perch on things and generally stays out in the open swimming from perch to perch. Mine will usually sit on various corals, sometimes my mag-float or even the glass. . . he is always moving from one to the next.


In regards to a shrimp/ goby pairing It will not happen because neither yellow clown goby nor peppermint shrimp are the right kind that create this relationship.

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In my experience yellow clown gobies are pretty easy to care for and they do have interesting personalities. Plus, their little rosy cheeks are cute as hell. My yellow clown will eat any of the foods I throw in for the other fish mostly small pellets, cyclopeeze and frozen mysis shrimp.


The yellow clown likes to perch on things and generally stays out in the open swimming from perch to perch. Mine will usually sit on various corals, sometimes my mag-float or even the glass. . . he is always moving from one to the next.


In regards to a shrimp/ goby pairing It will not happen because neither yellow clown goby nor peppermint shrimp are the right kind that create this relationship.


Wahh! Well, from the looks of it, the shrimpie may or may not make it anyways. I may have put him in there too soon. :-( He was acclimated fine, but the fact that I'm (trying to) use NSW kind of blows.

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Oh, didn't know you were trying to pair them..yea neither of them will pair. You'll need some sp of shrimp goby and a sp of pistol shrimp. Idvadvise against nsw unless you can go out like a mile off coast so you can make sure there are no pollutants in the water. Either buy synthetic from your LFS or mix your own water with di from like a walmart water machine or get your own ro/di filtration unit and do it at your house.

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