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Coral Vue Hydros

RBTA eating shrimp?


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So, my cleaner shrimp went missing the other day, but nothing in the tank could have eatin him but the nem. Do nems eatin shrimps and such?

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it could, but if it did you haven't been feeding your anemone once a week. pretty sure the bristle worms got mine, always looked like the shrimp could get away from the nems no mattter what imo.

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it could, but if it did you haven't been feeding your anemone once a week. pretty sure the bristle worms got mine, always looked like the shrimp could get away from the nems no mattter what imo.


Pretty sure it's easier to escape a bristle worm than a nem.. not that I've tried either.


OP - he could be molting or dead under a rock. Rather impossible to tell without a teardown, unfortunately.


If you don't see him in a week or two, it's probably safe to assume he won't be reappearing.

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