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ATI 6 Bulb Fixture


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I am setting up a solana with a 24" 6 bulb ATI sunpower. how high should i have it hanging from the top of the tank? its 20" height.

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The closer the better IMHO. Keeps light spill down, and there is less wasted par in the tank. Too close and you'll get splash and salt creep on it though.

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The closer the better IMHO. Keeps light spill down, and there is less wasted par in the tank. Too close and you'll get splash and salt creep on it though.

that'll probably bleach most stuff..


to the op what do you plan on keeping? a 6 bulb ati is a ton of light

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that'll probably bleach most stuff..


to the op what do you plan on keeping? a 6 bulb ati is a ton of light


I have a 6 bulb ATI.... These fixtures put out a ton of light, way more than most. Mine is 6" from the rim of the tank for an all SPS tank (40b). Even so, I have to acclimate corals to the light, bottom for about a week and slowly moved up to their final place. If you're not having a primarily SPS tank get it at least 10" off the water and slowly acclimate your corals. With this light you'll have to watch your corals closely until you find the sweet spot for height.

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Start high (maybe 12") and lower it over time. Your livestock's reactions should be the main guide to determining suitability.

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think 4 bulb is plenty for most SPS? thought 6 would be more on the money but it may not be from what you say...


sorry if i just hijacked ur post OP :bowdown:

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Ok, i have it about 5-6 inches up right now. i will put it up some more when i add my softies in and lower it slowly and then add sps.

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My appologies. I forgot to mention light acclimation. What I should have said, is as close as possible taking into account for what types of corals you have...

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