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HELP! Polyclad Flatworm


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Well, I was finally able to dtermine that I have a polyclad flatworm that hitched a ride with my live rock. I have seen it only twice in the 8 weeks since I have had my tank up. Both times it has taken out a snail. The first was a Stomanella, the most recent one was this morning as it was munching on a Trochus.


How can I catch this thing short of pulling out all of my live rock? Please Help!!

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trap is usually the best idea...if it likes snails it sounds like you have good bait...feel sorry for the snail but hey we all have to make sacrifices sometimes right?


there are good guides on here for how to make traps if you search for them.

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trap is usually the best idea...if it likes snails it sounds like you have good bait...feel sorry for the snail but hey we all have to make sacrifices sometimes right?


there are good guides on here for how to make traps if you search for them.

Should I try a peice of raw or cooked shrimp in the bottle instead of the snail?

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I believe they have a fairly specific diet. A shrimp might not entice it enough (though it might entice some snails/crabs, which might in-turn entice the flatworm).


There are a bunch of people on here who have caught them, just search and PM one of them for ideas if this doesn't work.

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