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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Coral ID Please


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Hi Guys,


Can anyone ID this coral for me please? It's orange color, but not fluro.

My guess would be psammocora.

Let me know what you guys think.


Thanks guys




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It's not possible to get closer pic until next week. There is no polyp, only hard and orange color.

My second guess would be pavona as well but not until I get closer look next week.

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According to the diver, he said there is no polyp, but I have yet to see the coral with my own eyes, not until next week.


Oh by the way, greetings from Australia.

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Builder Anthony

I seen a skeleton of something exzactly like that it was a google search but i cant rember what it was.I never seen them for sale.You said yours is stony?

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looks like something from the fire coral family.


if you are brave rub it gently on your underside forearm and see if it burns a little. do like a 1/2" rub


if it is look in the Millepora fam

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Fire as in Hydra coral, milliopora?? Don't touch it if this is the case, those suckers hurt, not to mention the treatment.

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