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60G cube dream reef..


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Hey everyone!!


I've been lurking here for a few months, have a Fluval Edge reef tank, and a 36G bow front, that just wasn't cutting it for me... I was using mechanical filtration, etc and eventually knew I wanted to upgrade to a sump\fuge setup for my dream reef. I went out for a couple lbs of live rock today for the 36G tank, and came home with this, MarineLand 60G cube & stand! I picked it up for $399.99 on sale, which for my area is actually pretty reasonable. I made some stupid newbie mistakes, and the more and more hours I spend looking at the forums, I see some amazing looking tanks... This time around, I am going SUPER slow (my wife can't wait to see the patience blossom, and not making ANY needless mistakes).


We positioned the stand, got the tank on it, and started the leak test today.. So far so good... Over the next couple of days I will be asking for some help, and appreciate any feedback, so anything is appreciated.


Some things I need to figure out, and do this coming week.


- Plumbing.... It looks like some PVC elbows that will run down to my sump\fuge area. Anything I need to know specifically here, or is it just standard elbow PVC?


- Sump \ Fuge construction.... How big of a fuge do I want for this bad boy? I was reading along another reader's 60G cube thread and got some great ideas, but wanted confirmation. Any good threads I can browse to get ideas, and a parts list? Not just for the parts to make the fuge, but what all I will want inside of each chamber is also great..


My LFS has an employee who makes acrylic sumps that look really slick, and they quoted me $300 for one that will fit this stand, so I figure that making one myself is MUCH cheaper and great experience.


- Rock scape this bad boy. I'm looking for ideas as I browse, and this time will actually buy some dry rock to drill, and make a sweet looking scape. More ideas to come as we brainstorm over here.



Livestock (mainly will be transferred from the 36G when this is completely ready)


- 1x Black & 1x White Perc.

- Lawnmower Blenny

- Red Hermits

- Blue legged hermits

- Pink Pincushion Urchin (If I had my way he'd go back to the LFS because he loves to feast on the coraline, and bulldozes stuff... My wife is in LOVE with him, so he stays.)

- 2x turbo snails

- 2x Peppermint Shrimp

- 2x Emerald Crabs





- Torch

- Frogspawn

- 3x duncan heads (one of them is now sprouting another 6!!)

- Mushroom ricordea

- Aussie Acans

- Hammer

- Tongue Coral

- multiple galaxea heads

- Yellow\Green Birdsnest

- Toadstool


Some questions....


- The main display tank at the LFS is a bare bottom tank, and I see that is becoming increasingly popular... Any thoughts on that? I know that we'll likely want to run a DSB in the fuge, but what should I do in the main display tank. Pros\Cons to both?


- Since I will be getting some pretty heady Fiji rock to seed the base rock, should I be expecting a 6-8 week cycle just to be sure? This is one thing I ####ed up on last time, and want to make sure I take it slow on this tank... How much LR will I want in the fuge?


- I plan on cycling with no main lighting for the tank to avoid algae blooms.. I've seen conflicting views on that, any ideas?


- For the first little bit I will be running 1x BoostLED Mu Series 135W fixture, but will upgrade to 2 at some point to cover the entire tank. I am mainly an LPS guy, but will keep some SPS (middle\top of the tank). Right now in my 36G tank, my RBTA is hanging out on the sand almost 20" down and hasn't moved.. He is loving life, so the penetration of these fixtures is awesome. No question here really, just justifying buying another fixture for super light :)


- Anything else I should do in the first week, while scaping, making the fuge, etc, and getting ready?


- I have seen some people use the egg-crate, and attach live rock to it, then use that as a background to the tank.. Any thoughts on this, or is simpler better in this case?


- We have a Maroon Clown in our 6G ( I know, terrible buy, bad reccomendation from someone and I messed that one up.) He is tiny right now, and wondering because of their agressive nature, is he not suitable to be in this tank with the other 2? I wasn't sure if he had his own 'nem, if that would keep him out of trouble... If not, I have arranged a trade back to the LFS for another fish, so either way he's getting a bigger home.


- My wife loves tangs....... I don't want the tang polizia after me, but is there a suitable tang for this tank?


Some first pictures, will post more once I start getting plumbing parts, get that going, and get the fuge started.... If I can get a good handle on what I need, I will start the fuge tomorrow! I'm excited to get the plumbing part done, but am taking my sweet time to do it right..








Thanks for following along, and hoping to make this thread something spectacular to watch from start to finish!!

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B) Sweet tank man, imo you could save all that extra money for better equipment and build your own sump! The internet shall help you on your quest. Sumps themselves are really easy to build imo, good luck.
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Awesome setup! I have the same tank/stand myself.


I would definitely NOT do bare bottom, I tried it once before and I had to vacuum the tank everyday to keep it spotless.

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Awesome setup! I have the same tank/stand myself.


I would definitely NOT do bare bottom, I tried it once before and I had to vacuum the tank everyday to keep it spotless.


Any info on size sump, plans, for the one you made, or are using? I'm looking to get a parts list together today and go pick up some of it... I'm eager to get started.




scratch that... Actually, looking at this for the price is actually really nice and saw another fellow 60 cube owner have one. Looking to get this ordered today if it will work for what I want to do. I'm looking to have some chaeto in there, a nice DSB and LR.


Eshopps Refugium II


Thanks guys.

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Alright everyone, so new updates!! I just got back from picking up my Sump, and Skimmer...


I decided to go with the following Fuge & Skimmer.


I came home, unpacked everything, and got the filter sock in, skimmer fit (tight snug squeeze, but works!) and everything is sitting underneath the stand awaiting plumbing.


Now onto the good stuff, pictures!!







More updates at the end of the week when I put together the plumbing schematics and actually start getting the parts.

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Alright, so a quick update, just jumped out and picked up the firs 15lbs of dry rock locally... I'm trying to diversify the type of dry rock I am getting to get some nice variety... Once I get the scape how I want it, I'll get some nice live rock and seed it.. when the tank is all plumbed up of course!





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OK, some more updates... I want to get my dry rock scape done before I do plumbing, and everything else..... So what better to do on a Friday..... one of the benefits of working at home.


Anyway, here is the cement I used in case anyone cares and the first 2 parts of the rock, connecting on either side, and now will connect in the middle.. Then the big guy on the right side and this scape will be done! This stuff gets into a hard slurry and when it dries is awesome. The best thing is, dries within 3-5 minutes, and even better, it's $6 for quite a bit of it. Home Depot FTW!






Everything done.. woohoo!




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Alright everyone.... great news.. Plumbing was done yesterday, filled with salt water yesterday afternoon, and run overnight.. no problems to report, all is well!!


Today, I went out and met with a local reefer who has a (I kid you not), reef store in his garage... absolutely badass... I picked up 30lbs of rock that was broken down last night, and the tank was up and running for about 2 years. I also got sand from the same time as well, looking real nice! The rocks are scaped with my base rock and everything is rolling along....


While I was picking up sand and rock from this guy, I also got a Red Sea Wavemaker Pro & 2 power heads to transform my reef... So far so good!! On the rock there were some hitchhikers, some crabs, a little starfish that is in the sump actually, and who knows what else...


I'll post pictures once the water is cleared up a bit, but first test of the water parameters are all looking, well perfect! I'll see how things are looking on Wednesday and if the parameter readings hold steady next weekend I will move my clowns over as my other tank is just slowly degrading into hell, so hoping for a quick, if not no cycle at all because these rocks were taken from the other tank last night, sat in his tanks for a couple of hrs and picked up this morning, submerged the entire trip, same with the sand.


Thanks, and appreciate the comments! I'm pretty excited as this is my first real tank with an overflow and fuge setup.... I'm hooked!


Plumbing done!



Drain chamber, with Protein Skimmer, gettin' wet



Awesome looking rock, 35lbs @ $3\lb... can't beat that!



Not a bad deal for $40! Working great so far.



Sand galore (Fiji Pink)!



Looking good so far!



Now the waiting game begins... Tomorrow should be much better, already looking better since I took these pictures!




Then today.........................................


Everyone moved, and will post pictures when I have a chance... rock from my old tank went into an old 20G, with a skimmer, powerhead, and head and curing it to trade for some frags, let me know if anyone is interested!


Update... pictures below




I know that I'll get yelled at for having the RBTA in there, the tank is new, etc, etc, I get it, but like I said, the other tank had to go and had no where else to put him. I'm hoping he will pull through, so please no flaming, I had no other choice.















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Awesome man! I kinda wish I would've got the same sump as you did. The baffles on mine are black so it makes it hard to see whats going on in the sump. haha :P


But it looks awesome man, cant wait to see it filled up.

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is the cement reef safe?



It is. I got the suggestion from a fellow reefer and it works awesome. It is cheap, and bonds to super powers within 3-5 minutes. It is awesome!

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Awesome man! I kinda wish I would've got the same sump as you did. The baffles on mine are black so it makes it hard to see whats going on in the sump. haha :P


But it looks awesome man, cant wait to see it filled up.


I really like the sump and found it locally for the same price as the EShopps shipped.... Really happy so far! I need to get myself some chaeto in the fuge chamber sometime soon and away we go! That will finish off the fuge..


I need to get some filter floss in bulk to put in the last chamber going into the return... that will happen today.


So far so good with my 2 True Percs transferred, and Orangeback Fairy Wrasse... The Wrasse has spent most of his time hiding in one of the multiple caves.. and I mean a LOT of caves.. He ate when we first put him in, then hid all day yesterday, and today when I fed with frozen mysis he darted out and went right back to one of his other caves. His colors are absolutely stunning, and it helps that we got him for a great deal!! Maybe someday when he's not so shy I'll snap some pictures of him.

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An update! I went to visit a local reefer with one heck of a selection of, well just about everything... Some pictures of what we picked up yesterday, all totaling $40! Absolutely can't beat it.


Also, I'm getting used to working and taking pictures of my tank, so be gentle of my ####ty camera skills, I'm trying :)


Dendro Coral




Pulsating Xenia




Eagle Eye Zoas (My Emerald knocked them over last night)




Carpet Anenome




Baby Duncans




Aussie Acans (Not sure of the kind, ID anyone?








Our Big Boy True Perc (We call him Tubby)



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I really like your aquascape. It seems nice and tall yet you still have lots of space in front.

That last pic looks like a black saddle clown with the yellow fin.

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I really like your aquascape. It seems nice and tall yet you still have lots of space in front.

That last pic looks like a black saddle clown with the yellow fin.


It was sold to me as a True Perc and got him for $20! He's happy, and is a VERY hungry little bugger.

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Im no expert but i had a black sadle clown a couple years ago and its fins all had yellow tips. Either way it was one of my favorite fish.

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Thanks guys, we still love'em either way!!


Here are some full tank shots I took the other day... It's looking awesome, and I am very happy. I tested parameters again, all zero and looking fantastic..


Going to a local joint tomorrow and picking up some livestock, and most likely a clam.. very excited... also I will be getting another Mu series fixture tomorrow, so I will have a LOT of light!





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Not a good idea to use the Drylock cement, didnt you read the instructions- may cause skin iritations! That meant that it has chemicals that will aventually leach into your tank in time!

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Just because a friend is using this Dryloc cement doesnt mean that its safe, good luck! You should of done more research. I've never heard anybody on here using or recommending using cement for bonding in their tanks. Just like the other nuckle -heads that use the great-stuff foam for their back grounds or bonding are asking for trouble!

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Not a good idea to use the Drylock cement, didnt you read the instructions- may cause skin iritations! That meant that it has chemicals that will aventually leach into your tank in time!


Do you have any links to back this up?


PVC and human skin are VERY different things, obviously, and this doesn't make much sense to me.

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Just making a point that if the Drylock has warning that causes skin irritations that it has materials that is probably not good reef and fish. Contents of Drylock-( crystaline silica, portland cement, hydraulic calcium, aluminate cement, and calcium hydroxide. The cement that is not totally cure for weeks will for sure throw off the ph levels.

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I don't know if that specific Drylok product is safe or not, but there are cement/concrete products that are reef safe.


Whether something causes skin irritation is irrelevant.

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