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Metal Halide question?


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I was feeding my fish today and one of the jackass clowns went up to get a pellet and splashed water up hitting the glass on the metal halide fixture. The glass immediately shattered but did not fall yet. It is definitely going to come out. Is this regular glass or a special type? Is it safe to run the fixture with the glass out until I can get a replacement?

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Single ended bulb or double ended? Single ended bulb by virtue of design already has a glass "cover" built into the bulb..

If a double-ended bulb do NOT run it without the glass in place... the glass acts as a UV filter and keeps you from "burning up" everything in the tank. It's also tempered glass... needs to be to deal with the extreme heat. Regular glass will just get so hot that it will crack.




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Single ended bulb or double ended? Single ended bulb by virtue of design already has a glass "cover" built into the bulb..

If a double-ended bulb do NOT run it without the glass in place... the glass acts as a UV filter and keeps you from "burning up" everything in the tank. It's also tempered glass... needs to be to deal with the extreme heat. Regular glass will just get so hot that it will crack.






It would be the double ended one. I have called JBJ who is closed. I have called them in the past and left a message that they never returned. I hope they call back tomorrow. In the meantime, could I just use the piece of glass that came with the tank to set on top. I am not sure if it is uv filtered or not.


My luck. I ordered the AI Sol fixture which will not be here for weeks. Borrowed this HQI and the bulb went out on day 2. So I had to go out and buy a new bulb ($70). Now this. To top it off, I took home 8 new corals today.


I wonder if I could just buy a small piece of tempered glass and affix it to the fixture with something that can take the heat until I can get a replacement from JBJ.

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Technically, any glass will work as a UV filter.... so yeah, if you can use the glass top for your tank and the light sits high enough to not get the glass too hot... (at least it shouldn't I would hope) you can use that till your new fixture shows up.

You don't cut tempered glass... you cut glass to size and then temper it. A glass shop should be able to hook you up.. problem is if they want to mess with such a small job. Nice friendly Mom and Pop type glass shop prolly no problem. Big commercial place and they'll probably tell you to get out of their store...lol


I bought a new glass for my Viper not that long ago... I never can remember which site it was, not the one that looks like the JBJ site...but the ACTUAL JBJ site is what you want, I know that didn't make sense.







Oh, by the way... if you can, as a temporary fix, figure out a way to mount the glass out of one of those like five dollar halogen work/floodlights you can buy at Home Depot..... that's tempered glass. Maybe wire tie it in place or something.... don't think I'd try duct tape....lol

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Yup, that's where I got my glass.... I just called them an ordered it right over the phone.


I paid like 15 for it, not 23 and that was a couple of months ago. There's shipping on top of that..... stupid spendy for such a small piece of glass but I couldn't be bothered to hunt down a glass shop that would get me a new piece made up... I would definitely try your shop first, guessing if they don't have an issue with such a small piece they would probably be waaaaaay cheaper. Maybe buy two or three to make it worthwhile for them and you're ready for the next splash. For that matter, have them on hand, maybe you can make a buck or two for other's looking for them ;)



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I went ahead and just ordered the one on that site.


Do you think that the piece of glass I have from my garage light is uv protected or do I need to also keep the piece of glass from the tank on top as well?

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Any piece of glass, tempered or not will cut down on the amount of UV coming off your bulb...


Are you familar with Transition lenses like in eyeglasses? They darken depending on how much UV is hitting them. Useless in the car because of the glass and most windshields/auto glass have a UV absorbing tint. But... I can stand in my living room, one whole wall is almost all windows, facing south and practically be blinded by the sun coming through the windows and my glasses barely darken at all.

Open the windows so nothing but a screen and my glasses go full on dark.... so yeah, your worklight

glass will be fine until the new piece shows up.



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