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Superman Monti looking strange


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Hello all,

About a month ago I got a nice frag of Superman Montipora. I just stuck it right up on the rocks, about 12in away from my 4bulb t5 light. It seemed to do just fine. A few days later, I fragged a corner off for my other tank with leds. The cut side quickly turned a nice blue, and I thought all was good.


Lately, Ive noticed the original piece, under the t5s, looking a little drab. The color is a little darker and there are some white spots forming on the ridges of the monti. The polyps dont extend as much anymore either. The color is still there, just looking suspect. I moved it over to a frag rack that is out of the light some.


My first thoughts were that its bleaching from too much light, but my little mini frag in my LED tank is doing very good. Its developed an INTENSE blue with bright red polyps and is encrusting the plug it is on. Strange huh?


I tested calcium at around 440ppm and dKH around 9. No other corals are looking upset, but actually doing well. Ive got acropora and other montis all doing well...


Any ideas? Too much light?



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I don't know that there's such a thing as "too much light" for encrusting montis...My sunset just started growing toward a new, better lit, area of my tank and the orange is getting much deeper.


Could be recovering from the fragging or just showing growth.. a pic would help a bit.

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I wish it was just showing new growth but now much more is white. Im talking pure skeleton, no tissue white. :-(


I pulled it from the tank and checked it for parasites. Didnt find anything on it or under it. I then did a 30min Betadine dip just for the heck of it. Its still losing tissue little by little each day. Its a goner, isnt it? I wish something was out of whack, that would explain it at least. This is the only one doing this.


Its so odd that its just the top doing this. The sides show no signs of necrosis.



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superman monti is a bit tricky. I could never get the blues to be blue, usually came out as purple. The dip might have been a bit much. Though I've heard success with high light and moderate flow.

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superman monti is a bit tricky. I could never get the blues to be blue, usually came out as purple. The dip might have been a bit much. Though I've heard success with high light and moderate flow.


Yea, its so odd that the frag I made of it early on is doing good. Its got a nice solid blue with red polyps. This sick one still has nice color elsewhere, but also has definite tissue loss. Most people seem to have just bleaching, but mine has definitely lost tissue. It first started near the top edge and is slowly progressing inward. Its almost like a peppering of tissue loss covering the top now.


Maybe I ought to slice it up and keep slivers of good coral? Or should I just pick a spot in the light with turbulent flow and go for broke? :D



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Hey guys, here are some attempts at photographing the damage. As you can see, white where there isnt supposed to be white.


I thought STN at first, but this has been going on for awhile now.


Anything stick out in the pictures?






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