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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Comb Jelly

Nate Dawg

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Here's a lobed comb jelly I found being tossed in the waves. I thought it was dead at first, but after an hour or two, its celia began waving. I was taking pictures of the rainbow it was reflecting. It swims around in circles in a wine glass. I'm going to buy some zooplankton at the LFS here. Does anyone know what type that would work best?







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Don't those things live deep down? I am probably wrong but I thought things like that didn't last long near the surface.

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Don't those things live deep down? I am probably wrong but I thought things like that didn't last long near the surface.


I don't believe so. I know they do just fine in aquariums with little or no current.


Currents by a diver's hand are sufficient to render them to pieces.



My local aquarium used to have them. There was no pressure seal on the tank or anything.




I'm posting a video soon!

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Wow! That's awesome! Are you going to set up a separate tank for it?


I'm at a hotel, so It will have to be happy in the wine glass for now. When I leave for home (in about a week), if it's still alive, I may build a tank for it. Comb jellies are the most difficult to care for because they are so sensitive.

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