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Ideas for a tankmate for my Firefish?


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I've got a BC14 and a lonesome firefish who looks like he needs a buddy. I've been toying around with a goby, but I would also like something that swims around a bit with a little color to it.

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I've got a BC14 and a lonesome firefish who looks like he needs a buddy. I've been toying around with a goby, but I would also like something that swims around a bit with a little color to it.


Firefish are pretty passive so its got to be low on the aggression scale. A Bhangi Cardinal would work....not real colorful but attractive, and stays out in the open.Shrimp-goby pair would be cool.Royal Gramma would fit the bill and is very colorful..and of course a small clown type although they can sometimes be aggressive...Theres a few to start you off.

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A royal gamma would most likely chase the firefish around all day.Why not get anothr firefish?


I am under the impression that if they were both males, they would end up killing each other, and if I went with a purple firefish to spice things up, they would also kill each other. While I want to spice up my tank, I don't think turning it into the thunderdome would be idealic :lol:

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I've always thought of Royal Grammas as being more assertive than aggressive. I've kept RG's in tanks with very passive fish (including firefish) and never had a problem. But others have apparently had aggression issues so your mileage may vary on that one. How about a blenny, like a midas blenny for example or even a canary fang blenny? Make sure blennies are eating before you buy them,because sometimes they don't adjust well to regular aquarium fare.

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Builder Anthony

Hmm didnt know that about firefish.I never had a royal gamma either i juust read they are bullys.So i guess i should just shut my mouth.I like clown gobys and ive had one they are great to have.I like the yellow ones.

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possum wrasse (genus Wetmorella).


I'll 3rd this. I have a white banded and it's my favorite fish in my RSM. My Cherub and Clown do not bother it at all and mine actually swims all around the tank and will eat whatever I throw at it.

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