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Temperature Fluctuations


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My tank seems to fluctuate about 3 degrees between its day and night temp. 77-80. Is this acceptable or do I need to get a fix? My CUC consisting of snails and hermit crabs seems to healthy.

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That kind of temperature variation thoughout the day is not healthy, your CUC might be able to withstand it but I doubt any fish or corals would put up with it for very long.

What kind of lighting are you using? Maybe that could be the source of the heat.

And it might be wise to invest in a more reliable thermometer or heater, spending a few extra bucks now might save you having to spend a lot more in months to come.

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The lighting is the stock Biocube 29 lighting. I'm assuming this is the cause of the heat during the day as the temp rises after the lights have been on for a while. I will continue to monitor the progress. Would a 1 to 1.5 degree shift in temperature be ok? The temperature gauge I have been using are two different digital thermometers. They have a difference of .3 when I take a measurement and I just average inbetween the two readings.

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My tank seems to fluctuate about 3 degrees between its day and night temp. 77-80. Is this acceptable or do I need to get a fix? My CUC consisting of snails and hermit crabs seems to healthy.



If you want a fun new toy that will keep your temp rock solid and control all kinds of other things this is nice to have(by no means a necessity)



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that swing is not too crazy, however you should def find out why and try to make it a small as possible. one degree swing would be better, or none at all if possible.

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3* is fine. Not optimal, but you won't be hurting anything.


Might consider bumping it up a notch on the heater, though.. 78-81 would be a little more acceptable. 77 is a bit chilly.

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I would buy a ebo


+1. Ebo Jager (i guess it's Eheim now) are awesome.


Also, I seem to remember seeing tons of people with temp swings of up to 5 degrees throughout the day with pretty stellar tanks. I would raise your average temp to 79 so that it can swing from 77-81 "comfortably"

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