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Best place to order AI Sol Blue


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I am thinking about buying an AI Sol Blue fixture, but I am unsure of the best/cheapest place to order from.


I am thinking about reefgeek but I am not sure.

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I really want one of these, and have looked into pricing a little(Though I'm way to poor at the moment for one). These two sites had decent prices when I was looking.






How many fixtures to you plan on getting? and are you gonna use the controller?

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I am looking at the same thing and they all seem to have the same price at $529 per module and around $74 for the controller no matter where you look. Everyone I have talked to is out of stock on the blues and its a 2 week to two month waiting list too.

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you're not going to find price difference between sites unless someone is running a discount code. as far as who to get it from, i dont think it would make much of a difference seeing as if there is a problem with the light while under warranty, you'll deal with AI.

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They are all going to run around the same. I ordered mine last week from Reefgeek.com. I cant remember, but one site was offering 3 percent off which Reefgeek matched. I was told it will take anywhere between 3-6 weeks before it ships. I went with Reefgeek since they are one of the sites listed on AI's website. I figured I might get a little quicker going through them. I was told their was an issue in production causing the delay. I hope they get it squared away before they make my light!!!

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The Problem with the manufacure is that the cooling fans are on back order for the units. This is the hold up for the entire line. You may want to order from reefgeek or aquacave. I have my name on both reefgeek and aquacave for the same lights, and I am waiting on to see who calls me first!

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I Don't wana seem dumb but what is +1 ?


It means "I agree with what they just said". "My answer is the same as theirs, so I plus one to their answer".


Or in this case "yeah, I wanna know that website name!"

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Ok, now I feel dumb, o well! Lol thanks for clear g that one up for me. So... A... What is the website savageajc?


+1+1+1. Lol

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