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Unknown creature in my tank?! (picture)


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I came home today to discover two shrimp looking animals in my tank. One was half dead and the other is hiding in a rock. I am able to remove him if needed. I'm scared he will be a threat to my tank, I know the picture isnt the best but please tell me if I need to remove him.


Also I found a thin tube with a flower coming out it at the end. I dont know exactly what it is called but I've heard it is an honor to have in your tank.




If you have any idea what this little guy is from this picture please inform me.


(I'm sorry about the crappy quaility)




I came home today to discover two shrimp looking animals in my tank. One was half dead and the other is hiding in a rock. I am able to remove him if needed. I'm scared he will be a threat to my tank, I know the picture isnt the best but please tell me if I need to remove him.


Also I found a thin tube with a flower coming out it at the end. I dont know exactly what it is called but I've heard it is an honor to have in your tank.




If you have any idea what this little guy is from this picture please inform me.


(I'm sorry about the crappy quaility)





Tube with a flower at the end of it, not attached to the shrimp.

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I came home today to discover two shrimp looking animals in my tank. One was half dead and the other is hiding in a rock. I am able to remove him if needed. I'm scared he will be a threat to my tank, I know the picture isnt the best but please tell me if I need to remove him.


Also I found a thin tube with a flower coming out it at the end. I dont know exactly what it is called but I've heard it is an honor to have in your tank.




If you have any idea what this little guy is from this picture please inform me.


(I'm sorry about the crappy quaility)




The tube with a flower is probably a filter feeder, and maybe it will blossom into a beautiful feather duster.




Compare your shrimp to these, which are probably something you don't want:



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it could also be an amphipod, I cant be sure from the pic. either way theyre good for your tank!

I knew it! I was sitting and thinking to myself this is a mantis.. how do I get him out without harming my tank? Im in the middle of my cycle.

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Amphipod theyre extremely common pretty much in any SW tank. They act as a micro-CUC of sorts and are a good food source for livestock

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Someone will always suggest a mantis ;)


Note that it's really hard to come up with anything based on that picture. I'm not saying it's a bad picture, but identifying these tiny organisms can sometimes come down to some pretty minute details. So that being said don't take anything said in this thread relating to identifying it as gospel.


The suggestion that it's probably a pod of some sort (copepod, amphipod, isopod, etc... a family of crustaceans) is most likely the correct one. Reason being is that they're extremely common and come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Oh yeah, did I mention they're extremely common? And good for your reef in most cases!


Finally, while it's good to try to identify the organisms in your tank, you should try just letting it be. A reef is an ecosystem. While there are some organisms you definitely do not want, that group is a tiny fraction compared to the organisms that you do want because they're beneficial to your tank. When in doubt about whether something is potentially harmful, observe it carefully (including it's surroundings - what does it eat, where does it go, is it nocturnal, etc...) and over time if possible. This will usually tell you if it's harmful or not more accurately than someone on an internet forum.

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