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Very small brown flatworms?

Backwerds Man

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Backwerds Man

Today I noticed what appears to me to be very small flatworms on my glass. These things move pretty quickly along the glass. and are mostly oval shaped with 2 small points on the rear.


Does this sound like flatworms?


This will be my first experience with them. What would you guys recommend? Any small nano size fish that will pick away at them? Or are there proven reef safe flatworm killing products out there that wont kill off a large amount of my inverts?


Thanks in advance,




Edit: After a quick google image search... I believe these to be Brown Acoel Flatworms, apparently these flatworms are harmless? I've never heard of harmless flatworms. :huh:

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Backwerds Man

They are super small right now. I can't get a good one with my crappy point n' shoot... But this is EXACTLY what they look like. Even with that little white dot.



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Yes they are supposed to be harmless. I only saw mine on the glass when there was an algae film. My light went out on the tank and for 5 days I had a blackout and all the suckaz died. I wouldn't recomend this of course but I am glad they are gone.

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Backwerds Man

Well, since they are photosynthetic only, I'll let things play out a little bit before I do anything. If they start growing to large enough numbers I'll take some action.

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Well, since they are photosynthetic only, I'll let things play out a little bit before I do anything. If they start growing to large enough numbers I'll take some action.


I lost a few corals during that 5 day blackout period too. If you do a few days of blackout and even one survives you know they will be back!

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Backwerds Man
I lost a few corals during that 5 day blackout period too. If you do a few days of blackout and even one survives you know they will be back!


yeah, I realize that would probably happen. I might go for a flatworm eating nudi, or if all else fails, "flatworm exit" which from what I've heard works great and doesn't seem to harm anything else in your tank. Even though I'm not too excited about using chemicals.


5 day blackout is not something I'm interested in doing.

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Yes they are supposed to be harmless. I only saw mine on the glass when there was an algae film. My light went out on the tank and for 5 days I had a blackout and all the suckaz died. I wouldn't recomend this of course but I am glad they are gone.



arent these the flatworms that you should be concerned about- i believe the clear translucent flatworms are somewhat harmless... the red/brownish flatworms tend to multiply very fast... you may want to read up...

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^ yes you are correct tc. i would NOT wait till they multiplied more. you need to start sucking them out any chance you get before they get really bad.

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