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Originally posted by Simbo18

Once again, animals were put on earth so humans would reign over them


Where is this written?


I usually try to aviod the classic tang madarian trial, but it always pulls me in. The same pattern: someone flames about the tang, then someone says, screw the tang police. I beleive your allowed to make a comment in your opinion. It is not a crime to suggest a comment to a person that may save their tank. Hense the name "message board". Is someone going to tell me your not allowed to make comments here besides "beautiful tank" "look perfect and the tank is thriving"


As for the nerve thing, I don't know. But we will never know, and it's right to do the best for your fish. People here read one opinion from a biologist, and approve it because its' in favor of them.

Anyway thats my opinion...

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damm the B.S. is thick in here

sorry aznano ya got the terd patrol jacking your thread


certian fish need more room and some need special foods which are not reccommended for newbs

i hope these moron's thinking they now what the are talking about has not scared ya off

becouse i can see with a little better advice ya can have an awsome nano

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WHy dont you people leave him alone. Instead of bashing him help him. Im sure everbody single person in this thread have done something that is a no-no along the line. Maybe he listend to his LFS for advice and they said he would be ok. My LFS a while back told me i could have a yellow tang in a 10g. They said it just wont grow it will stay the same size ill be ok :o . All he did was post there tank to look at and people jumped all over him. Arguing over the computer common. Its like my girlfreind talkin Sh*t over the phone to some other girl. Watch me "explain to him instead of bashing him. Everybody think back when you started out i dont even want to think back


Now to the owner of the tank:

I say man you got a nice tank i wouldnt keep that tang in such a small tank. Because tangs are "open" ocean swimmers and swim alot in there natural habbitat. SUre a 125g is actually small to them compared to the open ocean. But in the aquarium world they need at least 4ft of tank and thats cutting it close maybe keep a yellow or a kole. But for some larger such as hippo and the naso usally require a 6 foot tank like a 125g. Some tangs can get pretty big like 9"-10" in the aqaurium world. In there natural they get MCUH bigger In your tank a pair of percula clowns would be nice. Everybody loves paired clowns. Use this board to learn most LFS tell you stuff just to make a sale. I always keep a pair of percs in my tank just to get some movment in there. Once you pack your tank with corals fish come least concern. But its always nice to have some fish just be careful of your bioload. You can cause alage blooms and other bad water parimetersif you overfeed and good stufff like that. . Looks like your run southdown be careful i changed over cause that stuff can get vicous. Sandstorms from fish or powerheads. Get a pair of small percs and call it a day there cool and if you get them to host any coarl your have they are even cooler. IVe seen clowns host alot of things like toadstools, pacoda cup, GSP. Remeber do your homework if your LFS is telling you stuff like a tang in your tank dont listen to them. Remeber keep up on your waterchanges 10-15% a week will do you good. And top off of fresh RO/DI everyday. Dont use tapwater. I also run CHemi-Pure reef carbon. My water is cyrstal clear and my water does not smell at all. I cant wait to post pics of my SPS and clam tank. Waiting on my digital my girlfreind flipped out and threw it at me :D . Learn from other peoples tank. Try posting over at Reefcentral.com they are very helpful over there as well

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Originally posted by LITTLEFISHEE

IMO and I'm sure I'm not alone, a small tank can't provide food for a mandarin throughout the duration of it's life.


ha, ya ever hear that joke about the plane where 1 of the 2 engines goes out. 1st guy asks the 2nd guy how far do ya think the other engine will get us? 2nd guy says all the way to the seen of the crash. We'll probably beat the ambulance there by 30 minutes.. I dunno why ya reminded me of that

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Hahaha, Ron White is the best, and I suggest that whole CD if anyone is looking for a way to unwind from the rigors of this thread. I bet this guy never posts pictures of his tank again, and that Is a shame, because this is the section of the site that I love.

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Originally posted by Simbo18  

Once again, animals were put on earth so humans would reign over them



What crap is that????


That is the kinda BS that is killing our planet, and maintaining our delusional "superiority" over our fellow inhabitants, if we are so superior why did we enter the 21st century with 10-20% of earth's prehistoric inventory of species extinguished.

If some of you would take time to research something other than halide kits and live rock bargains, you would realize that we are in the 6th mass extinction of species that has occured to this planet, about 30,000 species(3.4 an hour) a year, and the reason= people who think our planet is ours to rape and everything will better tommorow..trust me everything is interconnected and our mass bioticide, and degradation of our atmosphere and land will have repurcussions..


suggested reading::::::: The spirit in the gene by Reg Morrison


As a Buddhist Aphorism puts it "to walk on the earth without injuring her"....


I am in this hobby too and for every fish i buy i also donate the equal to Conservation Agencies around the world

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"Im sure everbody single person in this thread have done something that is a no-no along the line."


No, not really. I did a lot of reading and planned every step well ahead of time. I was sure to ask before I had to learn the hard way...that is the difference between experience and wisdom...learning on your own mistakes is exp...learning from other's mistakes is wisdom. Im not trying to get a big head, but when it comes to living things I feel there is no room for ignorance, and it is not a valid excuse. Would you use this same mentality if it were a dog or cat? A baby? "Oops, suppose I wont feed him that again! (cuz it died!)"...ok, a little extreme, but c'mon people, just cuz they cost less and are smaller doesnt mean you shouldnt do your research. Those of you who think you will just 'wing-it' are prolly the ones that will not enjoy this hobby very much in the end...your lack of respect for the things you are otherwise trying to enjoy and care for could be an indication of how much you really value this hobby. Are you just trying to impress others? Are you doing it to say you did it? Do you just want some fancy living-art? Or do you fancy the fish and corals themselves? Do you want to maintain what should be a thriving and balanced ecosystem? These are the questions a hobbyist has to ask himself in any hobby, esp with live animals.


Sorry, GSXR, I dont mean to pick on ya, I just read it and wanted to suggest a better type of thinking.


FWIW, this choomba screwed up big. All he/she had to do is make a post maybe...ask what other's thought with what he planned to do. The red-flags would have gone off and no harm done. Now it is a little more critical. He made a big boo-boo. He will end up wasting money, and have to remove the fish in question or they will die.

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Originally posted by BallR

What crap is that????


That is the kinda BS that is killing our planet, and maintaining our delusional "superiority" over our fellow inhabitants, if we are so superior why did we enter the 21st century with 10-20% of earth's prehistoric inventory of species extinguished.

If some of you would take time to research something other than halide kits and live rock bargains, you would realize that we are in the 6th mass extinction of species that has occured to this planet, about 30,000 species(3.4 an hour) a year, and the reason= people who think our planet is ours to rape and everything will better tommorow..trust me everything is interconnected and our mass bioticide, and degradation of our atmosphere and land will have repurcussions..


suggested reading::::::: The spirit in the gene by Reg Morrison


As a Buddhist Aphorism puts it "to walk on the earth without injuring her"....


I am in this hobby too and for every fish i buy i also donate the equal to Conservation Agencies around the world


It could be that he has differnt religious views than you. Besides the fact that the flame war is over in here so you can dismiss with the molotov cocktails since you are about 3 days short.

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Agreed... this is an arguement that will never be settled. It has been had a thousand times before and it only turns into a flame war. People obviously look at the hobby from different points of view and it's doubtful you'll ever convince them otherwise- especially from behind your 'puter.

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The only issue that I have with this site is the aggression. People go nuts when they disagree with some advice. There are a few very definate "dos" and "don'ts" in saltwater keeping, but beyond that there are unlimited opinions. People - you have to do your research and take note of what others have done - don't just mimic someone else's setup because it worked for them. It may not work for you. Formulate your own opinions based on what you have read and experienced, but above all, take other's views with a grain of salt. NOBODY knows everything about reefkeeping and everybody has their own ways of doing things. I have seen a several page thread on different methods of mixing saltwater - seems simple, but obviously there are many ways to do it. One of the best quotes I've heard about reefkeeping is:


The ONE thing that TWO reefers will agree on, is that the THIRD is doing SOMETHING wrong.


Like I said, there are many, many opinions. Most people are here to learn. If you take that away, this site doesn't have much to offer. If you make people uncomfortable, they will leave (AZNano may be an example). I personally know a few people that have left this site because conversation turns into nothing more than a flame war. IMO there are many better places to be bashed on the internet (and for many better reasons).


Let's actually use these forums for the betterment of our hobby.



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You got it man, I hear ya on all of the above, and I couldn't have said it better myself.


Just a little background, I am a car nut. Just like saltwater, cars have many principals that hold true to everything. Other then those main points there are always going to be unlimited opinions on different matters. But points still remain, that if you cram more air into an engine it will create a more violent explosion, just like if you cram more fish into a confined area it will create a larger margin for error.


I think that many of the people including myself forget that we are on this site to share in eachothers opinions and ideas alike. It is us as whole here at this forum that make it what it is, and as such it is our responisbility to try and try stray away from our tendancies to want to flame someone for a choice that we don't agree with or a view point that we feel is incorrect. It is also our duty to dispell any and all heresay for what it is. I am just as guilty as anyone else for saying things that follow those guidelines, but what will ultimately make us better about this is realizing what we say before we say something just to prove a point. If we put forth as much care and love to this site as we do this hobby, we have not only done a good service to other patrons of the site, but also to our world for better knowing and understanding our the creatures within it that we are here to enjoy, respect, and nurture.


Cheers everyone, this thread may have been a flop in the eyes of its' creator, but in mine it has brought about a better understanding of where we all stand and what our strenghts and weekness are. We are all here for learning, fellowship, and to generaly enjoy our hobby better through the understanding of it through shareing of knowledge.

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Originally posted by Whitten

But points still remain, that if you cram more air into an engine it will create a more violent explosion, just like if you cram more fish into a confined area it will create a larger margin for error.  


smaller... just had to say it.. ha..sry..


"ya caught the tater!"

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