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Nice tank you have there, BUT...


As you've probably heard and know, the TANG shouldn't be in there. 1)Small Tank. Any tank under 75G isn't recommended to accomidate these fish. 2)The tank isn't mature. It's recommeded your tank be a few months old so that it will be chemically stable. I'm sure, unless this water and LR is from an established tank.


Hopefully you will make a good decision and your tank looks as good or better than ours.



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Three weeks is kind of young to have three (soon to be four) fish in it. Also, unless you're lucky enough that your mandarin eats prepared foods, it is unlikely that your pod population will be able to support it's eating habits.


I understand the desire to see life in your tank. I'm almost two weeks into cycling my AGA Minibow 7, and I'd really like to fill it up. But as the old adage goes, nothing good happens fast in this hobby. You may want to rethink the bioload you have in the tank right now.

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i do not know what to say


i can tell ya got money to spend

nice tank and nice fish but not the best combo of the 2 as other have and more will comment


i will recommend a some books and a little research or if ya like those fish a much bigger tank or waiting a few months before trying to keep them in a 20.


but since it's easy to see ya got some money besure to get a big sump/ fuge (search refugium) and a small 250w Mh and a actinic 03 pc and focus more on the long term of the tank and a little less on the now

:) i hope that helps alittle

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a mandarin in a 20 gallon... thats 3 weeks old... with what looks like around 5-10 pounds of LR... GREAT IDEA!!!!


of course i would have gone with the 100 pounds of LR supplemented with an established refugium and a tank with thousands of pods


for every 100 mandarins that are wild caught, 10 make it to the LFS, then 1 makes it past 2 months in the tank.


i bet your fish wont live out the next week unless you bring it back to the tank. i wont even begin to comment on the tang. you have enough liverock to properly filtrate the tank for maybe 1 very small fish.

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no response, must be embarassed that his fish died after a mystery amonia and nitrate surge. Lets just hope that this is a lesson learned. Now if i had just read up on decorator crabs, Damn you Jerry! damn youz!

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LOL!!! I love the tang police.


How can you put him down when you are doing the same? taking things from the ocean only to kill them.


How do you know that fish would have lived longer in the ocean anyways??



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Geeze guys, he put a tang in a less than three week old 20 gallon... While I'm sure it could've gone to a worse place, it does not belong in a tank that young or small.

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so simba and mememe... are you saying its okay to keep a tang in a 3 week old 20 gallon? how long have you been in the hobby for? its not like we're argueing about keeping it in a 65 gallon or anything... its a 1.5 foot tank...

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He may have made a bad move but why blast him for it? Help him, you think he is bad? your the people criticizing. These animals were put on this earth for us to have reign over, face it.


I've been in the hobby for as long as I can remember. When I was about 8 I had my first tank. I never had to do water changes since it was located out at my dad's marine biology lab and we had it plumbed into the harbor. And by that age my dad had taught me how everything works with the anarobic bacteria and cycles that tanks would go through. Of course they were put into simpler terms.......;) I would usually just catch fish from the harbor and keep them in there. Like little bur fish and at one time I had some sea horses but my dad made me let them go sine I could have them in the same tank with fish. So that puts me.... about 7 years in. 4 years of keeping my own tanks at home. and 1.5 years of reef.



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I am going to have to agree with simbo on all of the above. The tang/mandarin/clown police can go way over board on an animal that can't even tell what pain is. A fish is a fish, and that means that they have alot of the same characteristics about them. Several of those is the lack of intuition, pain receptors, and basic emotions. I swear when ever someone puts something like this up these people jump all over them and beliitle them. When the truth is alot of the people throwing out such expert advise are noobs themselves. I hate to see guys like this who ask questions about something they don't know one week, and then the very next blast someone else for being an idot for now the very same fact the next. Get a life guys it is a fish, it dies, you get ####ed becuase you made an expensive mistake. The ocean is not going to weep for it's little soul, it is to busy getting whored out of it's inhabitants for hypocrits like these to sit around and discuss how happy the fish in their captive surroundings are. JEEEEEEEZZZZZZ...........

Sorry it has been a very stressful week, and this place is my refuge. But when I see people in a hobby....HOBBY(not life) get so ####ed off at another person over such an innocent mistake it makes me wonder why I ever bothered getting into this. Atleast with cars when you make a mistake others don't jump all over you about the moral implications behind why you went with one supercharer over another.

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Yeah, you guys must be crazy, to be concerned with "natural resources" and "stewardship!" I bet you're the kind of people who are all about "sustainable harvests" and all sorts of other things like that. Next I suppose you're going to tell me that Iraq was really about a "regime change" and not freeing the Iraqi people. I mean, it's not like we're keeping living things in our.... wait... um... nevermind. :rolleyes:

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Once again, animals were put on earth so humans would reign over them.

And dude, we probablly won't even be here on earth by the time the reef is gone.

And all of us hobbiest think we are really makeing a difference in the reef's distruction. We are barely making a dent, I don't know if you have ever seen those bleached white colonies that people sell on the side of the street but those used to be alive. Someone imported them by the hundreds (your looking at around 500 at a time) and put them in huge vats with bleach. Oh, and most of the people that import these only to sell the skeleton are in Florida. Go ***** at them dude.



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My beef isn't with the tang, it's with the spotted mandarin. The tank is not old enough to be capable of providing food for that fish. After all of the posts urging people to avoid mandarin dragonets in nanos, my opinion is that mandarins should not be kept in the nanos because of limited capabilities to produce microcrustaceans. I didn't see a fuge in that pic. Mandarins will accept prepared food over time, (mine eats brine shrimp) but the tank in question shouldn't have fish in it to begin with. It's too soon. BTW, my mandarin's are in a 110 that was established for 1 year before I got one. I hate to sound nasty about it, but if he would've done some research before he bought the fish we wouldn't even be discussing this for the 300th time. I really feel bad for him, he's going to have a hard time keeping his nano if he just wants big tank fish.


Whitten, where did you get this information about fish having no pain receptors?

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