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BC29 how many fish?


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right now i have 2 clowns and 1 purple firefish in my bc29

i want to add 1 or 2 of the following:

-flame angelfish

-bangaii cardinalfish

-some kind of goby (maybe with a pistol shrimp?)

-some kind of blenny? maybe a lawnmower?


what combinations would be best with my 2 clowns and purple firefish? would 2 more fish be too much?


thanks you!

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A goby w/ pistol shrimp or cardinal would be the better choice. The tank is maybe just a hair small for a full grown flame angel and I'm pretty sure a lawnmower blenny will starve in a tank that small.


A total of 4 fish in a 29g biocube should be fine.

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Yasha or Hi-Fin Goby with an A. Randalli pistol shrimp. Very cool relationship to watch.


i will look for that.


would a cardinalfish and a goby/shrimp be too much for my tank? that would make 5 total.

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i will look for that.


would a cardinalfish and a goby/shrimp be too much for my tank? that would make 5 total.


Note that my tank is not running yet but everything I've read points to a high bio-load causing significant issues, especially in small tanks. You can always startup another tank! :D

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well if i can't have 5 fish, i might just do the 2 clowns, 1 purple firefish and 1 cardinal... i would love to have a goby/shrimp pair however ;p

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i think if the fish look like they have enough swimming room and they aren't crowded you can add whatever you want as long as you keep up on maintenance. But again the main thing is you don't want the fish to be crowded.

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I have a BC29 and 4 fish. It is too much in my opinion unless you have some sort of large hang on back skimmer. I would probably stick with 3 fish. The clowns and the goby/pistol pair would be nice. Clowns in open space and someting cool to watch on the sandbed.


If you go with more fish be prepared for a lot of water changes to keep excess nutrient build up. I had one hell of a time balancing it all out. My Tunze 9002 was a perfect solution to keep 4 fish and not lose my water quality.

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i will look for that.


would a cardinalfish and a goby/shrimp be too much for my tank? that would make 5 total.


I would say it depends on the size/ type of fish, swimming room and of course how your tank is reacting to the bio load.


I keep 4 fish in my BC14


- 1 clown fish who swims around the entire tank.

- 1 shrimp/ goby pair that rarely ever travels more than an inch from their burrow.

- 1 purple firefish who hangs out mid level in the tank and retreats to his cave at night.

- 1 yellow clown goby who spends most of his time perched on the candy cane coral.


I have 20lbs live rock, 20lbs live sand, Chemipure, Purigen, cheato a Tunze 9002 and of course weekly water changes. I dunno if I would get criticized for my stocking decisions but all inhabitants seam to have their own territory/ space and are all doing well together.

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is a flame angelfish or a banggai cardinalfish better suited for this size tank (with clowns and a firefish)?

i can't decide which one to get because they are both beautiful. i just want something interesting swimming.

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I keep 4 in my BC29 right now, but I have kept up to 5 before for no problem... A matter of personal preference and commitment

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well if i can pull off the randalli goby/pistol shrimp AND the cardinal that would be great...


i do want to know what fish generally cause less trouble to inverts/coral -- the cardinal or the flame angel?

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