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Top Shelf Aquatics

Toadstool help?


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I have a toadstool and the past couple of nights it has been shriveling up pretty small and not looking normal. Is it? Should it be open at night? Please help!!!!!!

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Any toadstool I've ever owned has shriveled up at night. As long as it opens up during the photo period, doesn't have discoloration, and has good polyp extension, you're fine..

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Ok. Yeah it looks great during the day with great polyp extension. it is a little discolored at night but normal during the day


Any toadstool I've ever owned has shriveled up at night. As long as it opens up during the photo period, doesn't have discoloration, and has good polyp extension, you're fine..
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In addition, toadstools also periodically shed their outer layer (I know… not very technical, but -meh…). Expect their polyps to be retracted throughout the day and night for a day or two, then a plastic looking film will slough off. This is normal and expected. Run carbon during this time if you don’t already.

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