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GFO or Biopellets?


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I have been running GFO in my 40 since December. Im about out and getting ready to place an order. Which one should I get.


I have not had any alge break outs and my nitrates and ammo are at 0. Not sure about Po4 but like I said no alge.


Will pellets have any benifit or should I stick with GFO




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Well not really gg....You dont have excess nitrates and dont seem to have a problem with phosphates so it would be kind of pointless to add biopellets..id buy a phosphate test kit and if your phosphates are in fact 0 just stick with the GFO.

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If you have very low nitrate, stick with GFO.


Why do you feel you need either one if you don't know what your PO4 conc. is?


I had a good amount of hair alge in my BC29 that I transfered to this tank. So when I set this up I just wanted to start with it to make sure any and all was good.


Well not really gg....You dont have excess nitrates and dont seem to have a problem with phosphates so it would be kind of pointless to add biopellets..id buy a phosphate test kit and if your phosphates are in fact 0 just stick with the GFO.


The Hanna tester is in the near future.


Looks like GFO it is. Thanks guys.

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i had biopellets for 3 months and never saw any improvements. i just took it off line and dumped the contents so i could use the reactor for po\hosphate remover. imo biopellets don't do anything other than look cool tumbling in the reactor.

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i had biopellets for 3 months and never saw any improvements. i just took it off line and dumped the contents so i could use the reactor for po\hosphate remover. imo biopellets don't do anything other than look cool tumbling in the reactor.





They do more for my tank than tumble...They keep my nitrates at zero and my phosphates low while allowing me to feed my tank heavy. They also slough beneficial bacteria which my corals seemingly love since their polyps have opened more so than ever before. My tank water has never been clearer and sandbed has no algae. My rocks which always had a brown dusting are clearing up as well. If you already have low trates and good polyp extension, than keep doing what you are doing...For me, the biopellets have really worked out well and for a very reasonable price. Short term, I love them...... Long term, we'll see...

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