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cleaning glass?


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WHat is the easiest way to clean the Outside of the glass? I get saltwater on it when I mess around. I found that I half to wipe off with water and a paper towel then windex. Is there any easier way? If I use just windex and a paper towel it smears.

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When I mess around in the tank, I bring a dry towel with me. Then when I'm done messing around in the tank, I wipe up all the salt splash with the dry towel. Even if the salt splashes are dried up, the dry towel does a pretty good job of removing them. If it streaks, just turn the towel over and go over it again until all the salt is gone.

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Personally I keep all chemicals away from my tank for fear of overspray. I have a plastic home depot spray bottle that I pour distilled water into. Every few days or so I spray the outside glass and wipe with paper towels.

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I always spray the windex on the paper towel. I never spray it on the tank. But I am open to new and better ways to clean the glass.

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I use Spray Foam glass cleaner, like 'Bon Ami' to clean the outside of my tank. I too worry about overspray into my tank, so I spray the foam right onto my paper towel and then wipe the glass. It works really well for me and never leaves streaks!

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I put some RO water on a clean sock and clean the glass. Then I take the other sock and "buff off" the streaks.


It works really well, IMO.

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