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maybe a bad seller


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it's been five days since this person has recieved my money, an i still don't have a clue when he will send it

today is the first time he has respounded to my pms or e-mail, with the lame reason:




will send them as soon as possible............


i have file a dispute with paypal, i want to know how long before i start a full on assult,

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yea dude.. if its a third party, not a 'vendor' per say.. cmon dude some people have a life as well. And nothing in here states what it is, how much of a 'deal' you got on it. Or any of this nature..


There is 2 sides to every story


and to you that might be a lame excuse, I live in a town with a population 300.. and NO my post office does not have EVERYTHING all the time...


does he have a phone #? Phone might be a better option of getting a hold of people..

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His "local" UPS is not having problems he is. You filed the dispute so your money is locked, let him resolve it this coming week. If you are counting weekends it is 3 days since you sent payment.


Is this livestock or dry goods?

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it is too soon buddy, sorry.


Give it a few more days, and do everything you can to try to contact him. Email, phone, smoke signals etc. If that doesnt work then after another week or two you file a pay pal dispute.

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yea dude.. if its a third party, not a 'vendor' per say.. cmon dude some people have a life as well. And nothing in here states what it is, how much of a 'deal' you got on it. Or any of this nature..


There is 2 sides to every story


and to you that might be a lame excuse, I live in a town with a population 300.. and NO my post office does not have EVERYTHING all the time...


does he have a phone #? Phone might be a better option of getting a hold of people..



i know that all you need to do is package up what ever you are sending ups, print the lable an call ups they will come to your door an it's done, for me going five days an one week end is long enough to ship out a package. i might be jumping a little fast, that is why i asked,



His "local" UPS is not having problems he is. You filed the dispute so your money is locked, let him resolve it this coming week. If you are counting weekends it is 3 days since you sent payment.


Is this livestock or dry goods?



this is a set of led lights, an he just sent a pm, so i hope he will do what he says

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