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Innovative Marine Aquariums

bad impulse buy (?)


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impulse buy at lfs: truelumen led strip white and actinic. after a little skimming on the search button i think i effed up. i only want something to supplement my coralife fixture. return it? try it? if i open it i cant return it or i would, see what was up. anybody ever try these? from what ive read they are pretty lame. would i see any difference in growth? im sure the actinic will make it "pop" more.

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i figured. would it make a difference if it is going on a picotope? or its just not powerful enough no matter what.

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these strips are only 3w per 10". They aren't as powerful as the ecoxotic stunner strips. You could probably use them on a shallow pico though. I don't think they would work very well though.

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those things are total crap. my buddy is an electronic whiz, and laughed at me for thinking they were powerful. i returned them and got a refractometer, emerald crab, and rogers reef food plus. i got some real leds coming in the mail any day now.

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