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Clownfish laid eggs!


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I have a mother orange percula and a false perc black male. They laid eggs last night between 5-7 pm. My lights go off at 620. I was scared of my other fish,crabs, worm,and.... eating the new laid eggs. WRONG! I quickly set up a 10 gallon tank with water from my main 55 gallon tank that was hosting the pair. I moved the pair and their LOVE the Frogspawn to the 10 gallon last night. The mom laid about 60 eggs. I think a small batch but it was her first batch. Last night they ate all the eggs. I woke up their was 5 left but when they light turned on they quickly finished them off. I have read that this happens the first time a lot. Do I keep them in their new 10 gallon with the frogspawn or Do i put them back in the Main and wait from them spawn and do it all again ? Why do they eat their eggs ? immaturity ? Im def interested in what their color pattern will be. I have bought frozen rotifers. Will they do in feeding or should I make my own ?


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Hi there, congrats on their first spawn!

They probably ate the eggs because of a combination of two things:

1) New parents often eat the first couple of clutches

2) You moved them to a different tank!


The main thing they need to spawn is stability. When you moved them to the new tank, whammo, everything was different and they didn't feel safe, so the eggs were devoured. If you want to try to raise the larvae, you'll need to leave them in either the main tank or in the 10gal, but choose one. There are several ways of removing the eggs/larvae and transferring them into the hatching tank.


Frozen rotifers probably won't be appealing to the larvae, but it's possible they'll eat it.. You would be better off starting up rotifer cultures though. Also, look into buying some otohime larval food.


Check the aquaculture forum, we have a few threads in there on the topic. :)

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Hi there, congrats on their first spawn!

They probably ate the eggs because of a combination of two things:

1) New parents often eat the first couple of clutches

2) You moved them to a different tank!


The main thing they need to spawn is stability. When you moved them to the new tank, whammo, everything was different and they didn't feel safe, so the eggs were devoured. If you want to try to raise the larvae, you'll need to leave them in either the main tank or in the 10gal, but choose one. There are several ways of removing the eggs/larvae and transferring them into the hatching tank.


Frozen rotifers probably won't be appealing to the larvae, but it's possible they'll eat it.. You would be better off starting up rotifer cultures though. Also, look into buying some otohime larval food.


Check the aquaculture forum, we have a few threads in there on the topic. :)

Yeah You are right it was a whammo effect. I mean it took them a hour or two to even notice the frogspawn. I'm going to keep them in the 10 gallon tank. I just hope that wont throw them off and not lay eggs in 14 days. You def prolly right about the frozen rotfiers. A year ago my emerald crab had babies. And I caught them and set up a lil tank for them and they weren't interested in the frozen rotifers. I feed my fish spectrum, mysis, and a meaty food mix. I will def say I overfeed. Thats what bothers me. They are both plump health fish no need to eat your eggs.


Didn't notic the aquaculture area. Sorry. http://www.aquaticeco.com/subcategories/11...-microns-44-lbs. This is the otohime you were talking about. Your saying to feed the new babies this with live rotifers ?

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Yup, that's the otohime! I use A, it's the smallest and best for new larvae. It's best to feed the new hatchlings with live rotifers for the first couple of weeks and start introducing the otohime on like day 3 or so, overlapping the two foods. After they pass through meta phase you can ween them onto pulverized flake foods.

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Like Lani said - Congrats!


It may be a little while before they lay again - you never know. Moving a an established pair to a new tank could throw them off for a month or more. I've been lucky and had pairs lay again in a few weeks after moving to a new tank. You want to focus on stability, water quality and consistancy.


No worries though - there is a lot to learn, so if you seriously want to raise the fry use the down time to read and learn all you can so when the time comes you'll be ready.


I suggest getting a copy of Joyce Wilkerson's "Clown Fishes"


It will help you out a lot.

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Like Lani said - Congrats!


It may be a little while before they lay again - you never know. Moving a an established pair to a new tank could throw them off for a month or more. I've been lucky and had pairs lay again in a few weeks after moving to a new tank. You want to focus on stability, water quality and Constancy.


No worries though - there is a lot to learn, so if you seriously want to raise the fry use the down time to read and learn all you can so when the time comes you'll be ready.


I suggest getting a copy of Joyce Wilkerson's "Clown Fishes"


It will help you out a lot.

Thanks for all the suggestion and kinds words. I think maybe moving them to a new tank made them eat their young. But my black false perc is young. But the eggs all look fertilized because of their bright orange color. In the new tank they have quickly taken back to the frogspawn and began cleaning a spot. The mom is very aggressive. Four months ago when I introduce the new Black false perc to my male(at the time) Orange Perc. They began in heavy fighting. To the point of each holding onto the others mouth in a tug of war game. Luckily they quickly stop just by breaking them up. And the Orange perc quickly turned in the Big Beautiful Woman she is today......

I have def been reading. I think that I will move the eggs before hatching into a 3 gallon round tank. From what Ive read round tanks are better because of the inability to not have still areas. I know the eggs cant have any oxygen or they will die. But when I move them and use my air stone. how close should the bubble be to touching the eggs ? I want enough movement to keep them aerated but not have a bubble touch.

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IMO, a 10g is too small for a spawning pair of clowns. Too much waste will build up unless you do a small, daily WC. I would personally choose set up a 20g with sand, live rock, and a few tiles. Let the tank properly cycle, and in the meanwhile put them in the main tank. While they will more than likely survive, it's not good to have them in the 10g which is freshly setup and will go through a cycle soon.


You've interrupted their spawning cycle by moving them, so it will be around 1-3 months before they start laying eggs again. They WILL lay more eggs, so you don't need to raise the first batch. You should do a lot of research on rearing the fry before attempting. I can tell you the basic rearing setup if you want and go over all the basics. Raising clowns isn't hard, it's just a lot of work. It will probably cost you around $100 to get a proper rearing setup and rotifer culture. :)

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I don't have a 20. Plus I'm against having the LR and DSB. The tile Idea I will def use. I don't want any critters in their that aren't clown fish. My main has to much nutrient in it, so I have a lot of worms..... Time will tell on messing up their stability. I used Main tank water. And Im doing a 10 percent wc with the main every four hours during the day. I def want to start Rearing rotifers. I Predict she will lay again on the 13th. def I hope and prayer along with it. She is a great fish. I put them back in the main its the same thing over again. My two blue tangs will eat the babies eventually. I rather the clowns eat them and build up nutrient and have babies in their own tank. I feed them twice today with Spectrum and meaty food mix. I'm also syhpon out their waste. More work yes but the filter will catch up in a month. With the Rotifers Im think of using a 5 gallon bucket. How do I measure the density of the culture ?

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A 10gal tank is fine for all but the largest clownfish. Both of my pairs are in 10gal. tanks with weekly 2 gal. wcs.

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Lani ? 10 gallon is fine for all but the largest clown fish ? Are you talking about maron clowns? And can I have this whole topic transferred to aquaculture ?

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10g is fine for most breeding clowns. i got 4 pairs in a tank that is divided and they are fine. clowns in RL dont more more than few feet from their host in the wild.

this is what i would do if i were in your shoes. i would put the clowns back in the tank and where they laid the eggs last i would introduce a tile or a clay pot for them to lay on. when you have them laying on the pot or tile, then you can remove the tile or pot and put it in the 10g tank and raise the young in there. if you remove the pot or tile prior to hatching then the tangs or clowns (mom and dad will eat the fry after hatching too) wont eat the newly hatched fry.


dont put the fry in less than 10g, you are only making it worse for them to survive. from the rotifers and feedings you will have ammonia spikes and likely kill off the delicate fry.


grow thr roti's in a 5g bucket and use a glass vial or a small shot glass and use that to see your rotifer population. you can see the little buggers swimming around. harvest 1/4 of the bucket daily to maintain rotifer levels.


i do also suggest reading the 3 or 4 clown breeding posts here in this section. Lailani, rrcg50 and pickles are invaluable reading. most of my success is from these threads. most if not all of your questions can be found in there.

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Lani ? 10 gallon is fine for all but the largest clown fish ? Are you talking about maron clowns? And can I have this whole topic transferred to aquaculture ?

Penalty, over use of question marks. 5 yards, repeat first down.

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I don't see any problem with the 10 either - I wouldn't put my maroons in one but the other pairs would be fine.


Understand that regardless of the tank size you will be doing a lot of maintenance and cleaning due to the heavy and varied diet you'll be feeding your clowns. One of the things I was told early on is that once they start laying you can back off the foods - but what I learned was the diet is still critical - a good varied diet of foods is critical to good eggs and strong larvae which will increase your chances of having successful hatches.


It maybe a little harder in a 10 - I use 20's but my tanks are a bit of overkill - except for the maroons.


I also agree the 3 gallon round is just too small. It won't work. If you insist on round find something bigger - but a standard 10g is cheap and works fine.

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10g is fine for most breeding clowns. i got 4 pairs in a tank that is divided and they are fine. clowns in RL dont more more than few feet from their host in the wild.

this is what i would do if i were in your shoes. i would put the clowns back in the tank and where they laid the eggs last i would introduce a tile or a clay pot for them to lay on. when you have them laying on the pot or tile, then you can remove the tile or pot and put it in the 10g tank and raise the young in there. if you remove the pot or tile prior to hatching then the tangs or clowns (mom and dad will eat the fry after hatching too) wont eat the newly hatched fry.


Just got the jugs ready!!!! About to start making rotifers. I have kept clowns in the 10 gallon tank. I have changed the water at least 5 times 20 percent wc a time with the main tank. I feel that I have just increase my water amount with my main and added a new filter. I have gotten all the detritus off the bottom. I will do another Wc soon with new Ro/di water. The Parents are still cleaning their way to a new egg lay. Hope Pray Cross fingers no black cats........

I have introduce a clay pot to them. Put it next to their frogspawn. You are saying that the fish wont eat newly hatched babies ? SO then I could wait till hatched then sphyon but wont sphyon be hard on the fry ?




I plan on not moving the eggs until prior to hatching. So I can seclude the babies in a new tank. From the suggestion I will use a 10 gallon but if bigger is better for the fry. Why not a 20 ?

With the fry is the only filter going to be Wc method because they are so fragile. Or do I use a hang on ?

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I know alot of people dont like this or disagree but you can keep spawning pairs in less then ten gallon tanks. I have seen over 50 pairs of spawning clowns in about 5 gallon tanks. These are 10 year old or more fish and healthy as can be. I wouldnt believe it if I hadnt seen it with my own eyes and I have seen it more then once

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I know alot of people dont like this or disagree but you can keep spawning pairs in less then ten gallon tanks. I have seen over 50 pairs of spawning clowns in about 5 gallon tanks. These are 10 year old or more fish and healthy as can be. I wouldnt believe it if I hadnt seen it with my own eyes and I have seen it more then once

Thanks! They looked happy to be away from the other fish. But its weird my main tank fish were looking for them.

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all the fish in the tank will eat the babies including the parents after a while. plus they will be all be dead by morning if they dont get eaten. siphon is stressful and will kill a few. but your only other option is a larvae trap or get the clowns to lay on a removable tile or pot.


reason you dont wantg a 20g tank to raise the fry is because the fry will have to travel too far to feed and most likely will die from not feeding enough. you would have to really load up the 20g with rots and nanno to compensate for the bigger space, then you will compromise the water quality and raise the ammonia too fast and kill them. a ten gal tank is good enough for most hatches. when the hatches get above 1200 eggs, then maybe look into a larger tank.


you can only use wc to the fry tank. they will get sucked up the pump and die, or if you get a screen, they will get sucked into it and die as well.

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you can only use wc to the fry tank. they will get sucked up the pump and die, or if you get a screen, they will get sucked into it and die as well.

Eric thanks. And thanks for everyone so far.

I will use the 10 gallon tank then for the Fry. I will transfer water from my breeding tank into the fry tank for stability. I still want to transfer the eggs before hatching into the fry tank. But with the air bubbles. I have read that one to 2 per second is OK for when they are fry. But to keep the eggs happy how much air should I use? And how close can the bubbles get to the eggs ? I have read that bubbles will hurt the eggs because of oxygen. What if the eggs get bubbles on them from my hang on ?


Today was another Good day With my pair. I have feed Spectrum, Which I am going to take a moment... and tell everyone that Spectrum is the best food on the market. Even my beautiful mandarin loves it. The fish colors stay amazing. I am hoping through this breeding process to have my babies on spectrum some how faster. If its by just feeding the rotifers a lil spectrum before going into the fry tank or putting some in the fry tank. I'm going to try whatever. I want my fish on spectrum FAST!!! Easiest way to feed also. But back to what I feed today. I feed Spectrum Garlic enhanced, Meaty food mix, and some spirlina flakes. I have read that good vegetable are key. Just like us I guess. Good balance. The mom is plumping up again. I am keeping the temp above 80 degrees during the day and at night 78. Still doing Wc with the main every four hours and siphon. Hoping to keep condition stable. Will some of my babies be Onyx ? False perc Black Male + Orange Percula= ??????????

I love the Tank Game!!!! Ant Easy!!! But Way worth the wiggle!!

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I know alot of people dont like this or disagree but you can keep spawning pairs in less then ten gallon tanks. I have seen over 50 pairs of spawning clowns in about 5 gallon tanks. These are 10 year old or more fish and healthy as can be. I wouldnt believe it if I hadnt seen it with my own eyes and I have seen it more then once


Wow! Never heard of going that small with clowns before. Did the small tank size stunt their growth?

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why are you doing a water change every 4 hours? in the 10g that you put the clowns in, does it have a filter and a pump? if so you dont need to change the water that often.

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I think you panicked and messed it all up. They may not lay again for awhile because of what you did.



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