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Xenia or something else?


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Great thanks.


Long time ago I read about Xenia and some other thing. One of them was retracting its polyps and the other didn't. Can't remember more details.

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Builder Anthony

That looks so much better then a frag plug.Ph seems to make them open and close.They will become thin and strecth if they dont get enough light.I think a soft flow is good for them.Oh wacth your finger those things will cacth your finger and crawl up on your hand if you touch them.

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That looks so much better then a frag plug.Ph seems to make them open and close.They will become thin and strecth if they dont get enough light.I think a soft flow is good for them.Oh wacth your finger those things will cacth your finger and crawl up on your hand if you touch them.


I've placed it as close as possible to the glass hopping that it will populate it.

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Please let me know if this is Xenia or something else. Thank you.








is it me or does it look like theirs a shrimp blending in with the Xenia in the 2nd pic???

hes camo

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