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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Skimmer Question


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In a small tank like that, no skimmer is needed. Just stay on top of water changes and you should be good!




I agree, but at times I must travel for work and must be gone for 3-4 days at a time. I was really just looking at a added bit of protection in case something crazy happened. I know BM has a good reputation, just was unsure about the hang on version.



Thanks again

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I agree, but at times I must travel for work and must be gone for 3-4 days at a time. I was really just looking at a added bit of protection in case something crazy happened. I know BM has a good reputation, just was unsure about the hang on version.



Thanks again



Even at 3-4 days, you should still be O.K. to go skimmerless.


But I do agree, having a skimmer is like having extra protection!

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