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Zoas Disintegrated What the F


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Why would only a certain type of zoa/paly disintegrate and not another? Is it possible that something is eating them cause they taste better than the others? Watermelons seem fine and are spreading. I don't see any Nudis. There was a colony of brown/yellow zoas that are now only 3-4. I did have a Nitrate spike, but the other zoas look ok. Thx

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You should have done a lugol's dip on them, I do it on all my Zoas.

Just add lugol's til the water turns light brown then dip for 4 minutes.


I thought you died or something lol

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a few of mine did the same. i had them at about mid-tank level. i moved them down to the sandbed. i also noticed that my calcium level was consistently measuring low. i started dosing calcium and they seem to be doing much better now.

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I was thinking about this. I noticed the Nitrate spike, then made water, then mixed and heated water and change around 50%. Is it possible that a major change in pH or the addition of that much new water could make zoas die?

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I took a look at the zoas before calling it a night and saw a sexy shrimp eating one! Is this normal? I have seen that one picking a frogspawn in the past. Should I can the sexy shrimp?

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Ok I have figured it out. It's not the sexy shrimp...ITS PODS lots and lots of pods. Omg my skin crawled with all the pods. I had a mandarin a while back and started dumping bags of copapods but these are massive amphipods. One was inside it. I'll post a pic tomorrow. I will get a sixline tomorrow and hope that will cure this issue. I would have never guessed had it not been for the late night.

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Ok I have figured it out. It's not the sexy shrimp...ITS PODS lots and lots of pods. Omg my skin crawled with all the pods. I had a mandarin a while back and started dumping bags of copapods but these are massive amphipods. One was inside it. I'll post a pic tomorrow. I will get a sixline tomorrow and hope that will cure this issue. I would have never guessed had it not been for the late night.


I'd believe it man. I had these HUGE orange ones that were bugging the snot out of mine. I did a FW did and an explosion of these giant ones busted off. Ever since they look great. Some people swear they don't hurt anything but I am convinced once they left the LFS, they had no predatory fish after them so they started to get brave and go to town. The tank they were in had like 5 different wrasses and dragonettes.

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Update on this: the blenny took one look at the zoa area and started feasting all over it. He's having a field day all over those nearby rocks.

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OK here is my crappy iPhone 4 pic with flash. I enhanced as much as I could with Photoshop. Look at the brighter aquare area. Make out the curved shapes with little lines. Those are the Amphipods. I guess it's possible that these zoas were not doing well and then the pods started eating them, but they appeared to be fine one day, gone the next. Anyway, pic...


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i thought it was pods too. when i lost a few zoas, i'd see them all over the remains.. but i'm not entirely sure that they're the source of the zoa's demise..


i LOVE to watch my tank. i'll post up against the glass and just observe for hours. i see pods running around even when the lights are on. but they're never ON any of the [healthy] zoas. so i don't think they eat zoas - they probably just clean up after it melts or whatever. (i've read that zoas can be very finicky so maybe the change in parameters is what caused them to die.)

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Ive got a tank FULL and I mean FULL of those half inch amphipods. They crawl all over everything, at night, but dont seem to cause any problems at all. I keep a CLOSE eye on the corals in this tank as they are my "high end" corals. Ive yet to see a single polyp look upset. I think the pods just clean up whatever is around the corals which is a good thing I believe. I only have one fish, a tailspot blenny, so they have nothing to fear but themselves. (They have pod fights every night!).


I also have long bristleworms that also hurt nothing. I think people freak over nothing and look for something to blame. I have NO idea what these pods eat to stay that large, but its not the corals. (I feed herbivore food to the blenny). I do have a sexy shrimp in there that gets some pellets, so maybe they are getting pellets that he leaves.



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Lol 'pod fights' well I think the blenny is eating them, but they were out again last night Big as ever. I guess if the zoas were bad then they needed to go. Watermelons still look good and the pods weren't on them last night.

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I am convinced those pods eat zoas ...caught them before going for completly healthy once ..it comes in spurs ..I hate them...they love my candy apple reds and spartan prides ...

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I had a similar thing happen to my zoas, especially with the pods. i did a dip and moved them to a slightly lower lighted spot and they seem to be doing better. they are actually open now and i havent seen any more mat loss. theyre not THRIVING mind you but at least theyre not melting either. I have noticed that the pods I thought were killing my zoas are still there, but theyre not bugging the zoas, leading me to believe the pods are responding to a problem rather than creating it.

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I have noticed that the pods I thought were killing my zoas are still there, but theyre not bugging the zoas, leading me to believe the pods are responding to a problem rather than creating it.


+1 i lost 2 small colonies of rather inexpensive corals.. But 1 of them was through shipping, the other one appeared to be light.. i have adjusted and moved the coral higher.. There is 2-3 polyps struggling to make it.. i hope they do because they are beautiful

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