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Nassarius snail reproduction question


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Hi all. I have a lone nassarius snail with a rather bland, dark shell from my local fish store, and it has just laid eggs. I'm wondering if perhaps it had been impregnated prior to my getting it? It's been a couple of weeks or more since I got it, I think, and I know it has no mates in my tank.


Will I wind up with babies at this rate? Do they lay unfertilised eggs? Thanks.

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Hi all. I have a lone nassarius snail with a rather bland, dark shell from my local fish store, and it has just laid eggs. I'm wondering if perhaps it had been impregnated prior to my getting it? It's been a couple of weeks or more since I got it, I think, and I know it has no mates in my tank.


Will I wind up with babies at this rate? Do they lay unfertilised eggs? Thanks.



I have 4 in my tank and from what I have seen most of the eggs don't make it. Only 2 of mine have made it to having a shell and they will prob not make it past my other CUC. Hope if you want more they make it.

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Mag float? What is that? :D I have a larger and a smaller backmounted filter running, and only the larger one has filter cartridges. As I don't even have fish in the tank so far, I've been considering removing the filters for a time if those eggs do hatch. Any idea how long it would take the little buggers to reach a size where they won't wind up dead in the filter?


I can't speak for how my crabs and other creepy crawlies will descimate the baby population, but given that I don't have too mnay overall, I'm confident that at least a few babies would make it.


I'm also kind of curious about small, spiral-shaped white growths on my glass. Would that be a calcified algae type of thing? Or maybe a small animal? I also had tiny white things at one time with little tentacle-looking things coming out. They were reminiscent of stars and I never saw them moving. But they do seem to have vanished now to whatever fate.


Thanks for the responses so far!

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