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What are probes


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I've seen lots of different probes online such as temperature, ph, etc... I notice most have a few foot of wire. How do these work? Do you need special equipment to read the probe. From the picture I didn't see any visual meters.

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I've seen lots of different probes online such as temperature, ph, etc... I notice most have a few foot of wire. How do these work? Do you need special equipment to read the probe. From the picture I didn't see any visual meters.



yes and most are very expensive

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Don't forget the ever popular anal probe... Hahaha! joking that wouldn't be very useful in a reef tank.


Actually not all probes are that expensive (well, they're coming down in price anyways). Basically they let you measure various water parameters electronically vs. the chemical test kits we're all familiar with.


Some probes come as a unit, like the Hannah "checkers". Other systems use a central unit that you can hook up multiple probes to. Aquarium controllers like the reef keeper lite can even use some probes (sold separately).


They're not really that necessary though. Some hobbyists use them, but most of us still get by just fine with chemical tests.

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since this thread has started on probes I thought I would ask a couple of questions. I am the proud new owner of a digital aquatics reefkeeper lite (not working right yet). I need help. It would seem relatively simple to set this up but I am struggling and the directions are well not real clear. Here is the dilemma I am running my RKL and a pc4 my (itemp) probe is hooked up to the pc4. When I go into the itemp screen though it is asking me to calibrate. its a freaking thermometer why the heck do i have to calibrate it? Do I need another thermometer to check the temp then input it into my itemp controller? next along with the temp calibration there is another number to the right that fluctuates rapidly in the 600's what is this and what do I do? Finally, how do I get the temp to show up on my main rkl screen? Help please :o

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