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Is this enough light on my little refugium?


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I just turned my AquaClear300 into a fuge for my 30g cube tank. The fuge area is about 6"x4"x6" and I have a handful of feather calerpa in it.


I have a bookworm style light on it right now, it's a Azoo 7w 6500k compact flouresent. The light is about an inch off the water directly over the macro's.


Think this is sufficient, or should I get the 13W 7200K Azoo compact flourescent instead?


The fuge will get indirect light during the day from my HQI fixture (250w 20k) thats over the tank. I plan on running the fuge light 24/7.

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Umm, it'll grow faster with more light, but if it's getting indirect light from the main lights in the tank, it should be o.k.. I've found that very few animals graze on caulerpa spp. algaes, so you can try to take about a 6 inch length of it and add it directly to the tank (near the surface, maybe rubber banded to a LR till it takes hold).


Then, you can watch the difference in growth rates between the refugium caulerpa and the tank caulerpa. Pinch the caulerpas back by hand by snipping the side shoot rhyzome when they grow over 12" long. This will keep them from going sexual on you.

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