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inTank Media Baskets

Live Rock


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My son and I set up our BC29 10 days ago. We purchased the saltwater, carib sea live sand (20lbs), and some really nice cured live rock (30lbs) from our LFS. The live rock when we purchased it was really, really nice as it was covered in purple coraline, along with pathces of green and orange growth. It also came with some hitchhikers (worms, a couple of snails, and a small red starfish looking hitchhiker). All of the hitchhikers are doing fine but recently we have noticed that the rock is loosing some if its color and is starting to turn base rock color (beige/white). Is this normal during the cycling process and if so will the rocks get their color once again in the future? Should I be doing something to prevent this die off and loss of color/coraline from the rocks?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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It's probably just algae which is typical in the cycle. The coraline is pretty resilient, and will most likely return to its full splendor once the algae is gone depending on your water quality.

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It's probably just algae which is typical in the cycle. The coraline is pretty resilient, and will most likely return to its full splendor once the algae is gone depending on your water quality.

OK thanks.

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