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Sand algae?


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Hi, i've noticed that on the sandbed of my tank a lot of stuff has accumulated. it started off as a brownish color and now i noticed that some of it is actually turning into hair algae (it looks brown/green). anyone know how i can help control this? the color of the sand is a bit overwhelming. i wish it was white like before.



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i'm assuming new tank? if so, you're going through diatoms which is a normal (and decent sign) of a cycled tank. you can vacuum it up with your water changes, or it's time to get your crabs/nassarius snails in there. fighting conches will eat diatoms as well.


if it's a snotty looking "hair algae" then you've got cyano. nitrates and phosphates feed it, as does low flow as stated above.

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it just looks like green hair algae growing ontop of the brown stuff on the sand (not 'snotty', just looks dirty). how would u suck it up ? wouldn't u just suck up the sand with it? its just sitting on top of the sand and i never stir my sand up, should i try that also? how should i set my flow w/o having my sand flying around my tank?


my tank is 4.5 months old

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it just looks like green hair algae growing ontop of the brown stuff on the sand (not 'snotty', just looks dirty). how would u suck it up ? wouldn't u just suck up the sand with it? its just sitting on top of the sand and i never stir my sand up, should i try that also? how should i set my flow w/o having my sand flying around my tank?


my tank is 4.5 months old


if you can grab it, just grab it. otherwise, put a air hose, create a syphon like you would doing a water change, and put it above the algae. it will bring up a little bit of sand, but you won't lose a lot, and it will look a lot nicer.


the flow is tough in the little tanks. i don't quite honestly know how people have hk's facing downwards in these tanks. i've got a maxijet 1200 on my left back, facing towards the right front and i still have sand kicked up a little.

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