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Cultivated Reef

got2envy's re-done 40g Long


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So wha ha happened wuz...I had once again to many tanks running at the same time and well...life sux and there isn't enough time for all of my hobbies :P

wait...you didn't think I was only reefing...nope...if things were only that simple.

I have:

started up on Poison dart frogs, so far I have 4 tanks up and running only 3 with frogs and I am raising a azureaus tadpole.

2x leopard geckos

125g reef

lots o' guns..that get pricey to shoot.

Mazda 3 hatchback...getting some shtuffs...I need speed :lol:

2007 Kawasaki Ninja 500r...I ssssaid I like speed

and of course a full time job

a husband

4 dogs


ok so I stuffed 3 nano's into this 40 long :o 28g, 20H and what was in the 40 macro got moved around.

wait! what happened to the macros...yeahhhh about that...I moved all I had left into the cleaned out sump on my 125g...so far they are doing great. I def do not have the assortment that I had prior, but most of my favorites are still kicking..I will be selling during spring time again.



2x grade B picasso clowns

2x S'more clowns

1x black clown

3x african firefish (they have bred in the tank)

1x yellow coris wrasse

1x red mandarin dragonet

2x blue eyed cardinals

1x barred goby

1x green clown goby

1x masked goby

1x tangaroan goby

1x yellow watchman goby

2x sexy shrimp

1x porcelain crab

1x strawberry crab

2x peppermint shrimp

1x skunk cleaner shrimp

and a CUC from hellz


yes 17 fish!!!!!!!!!!!!

please do not try this if you are a new reefer...most of these fish are small.


random pix of the tank as it is now...I really need to sell some shiz.













So far so good...my only real concern are the clowns, no aggression as of yet, but I will most likely need to separate them at some point.


Thanks for looking!



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It looks awesome! I hear you on having too many tanks. I tried it and burned out. I was actually out of the hobby for a few months. Sold pretty much everything, tanks and all. Just bought a new NC12 and it's sitting here cycling. I'm going VERY simple this time around. Easy coral, easy routine. I want to actually have a fully grown in reef to enjoy.


I'm really liking the looks of your 40. If anyone can do it (that many fish), you can :)

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It looks awesome! I hear you on having too many tanks. I tried it and burned out. I was actually out of the hobby for a few months. Sold pretty much everything, tanks and all. Just bought a new NC12 and it's sitting here cycling. I'm going VERY simple this time around. Easy coral, easy routine. I want to actually have a fully grown in reef to enjoy.


I'm really liking the looks of your 40. If anyone can do it (that many fish), you can :)


Thanks Gena! simple is the best :) I am doing 5g water changes twice a month on this tan and dats it.

a lot of fish is pretty cool to watch.



Maria, did you have a Kole tang at one time also?


Tank looks pretty cool!!!




Awesome! Lots of fish! I bet that tank is so fun to watch.


What are the dimensions of the tank?


it is a 40 long, so pretty much a short 55g :)It is very fun to watch!


Thanks everyone!

I believe it is 48" long x 13" wide x 16" tall

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sell some shiz, like a blue and a yellow ric.


ha I got plenty of blue rics but the yellow yuma only has gotten bigger and no split yet :(

I have blue, orange and pink rics if ya wants :P

plenty of zoas and paly's, setosa, candy canes...everything in my tank is fraggable at this time.


Looks good. I love lots o fish


Me too...the tank is busy, and I noticed that the fire fish stay out more now.


Ooh the tank looks amazing!


Thanks animalmaster <3




Maria, did you have a Kole tang at one time also?


Tank looks pretty cool!!!


nope I wish tho I <3 kole tangs! I just don't think that this sized tank...altho long is a good choice for such an active fishy -_-


Thanks spanko!

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Looks great Maria. I hear ya on the burnout.


If you really want to have some fun in that Mazda3 you need to find the closest SCCA Chapter and hit up an autocross. ;)

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Thanks skillzy! I will look into that...I live pretty close to MOROSO.


pix of my other (much cheaper) hobby I just started.... :mellow:


empty for now, freshly planted 18x18x24 Exo Terra I made look like lost ruins



The freshly made background for my Cobalt's tank (u can see the whole tank in the video)



The frog rack in the beginnings...don't mind JFK :lol:



Azureus froglet...so cute




a azureus tadpole that just morphed.. I still have another that just popped the back legs.

It is so cool to watch them change.





one of my cobalt froglets is photogenic B)








a video of my fire bellied toads paludarium



I have seen many a fellow NR member on the dendroboard forums :D

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Wow so much cool stuff. Wish I had the room for all that :happy:


The rack def helps make room :)



I like the rocks glued to the wall. How did you do it?


I bought those at aqua-mags.com

I was thread of the month on their site when I had them in my 20H...they sent me some free rock mags and the frag mags :) I was happy that they picked me lol

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Is there nothing this woman cant do....


Absolutely incredible maria...i wouldve totally married you in another life



I tell my husband he is a lucky man...and he agrees :P


Awesome set up! What are you using for lights on this beast?


This is old school power Compact 4x 65w until I save up for some MH's


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Thanks ;)


I wanted a lost jungle ruins look :D

they def are cheaper than reefs..let me know when u start up and i will send u some trimmings.

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You sound alot like me and my hobbies. I started off keeping rare insects, at one time I had 5 tanks of varying sizes full of critters, a snake and was nearly about to get into dart frogs but ended up moving, and gave away/sold everything I had.


Years later I got into reef keeping, just started a 57g upgrade yesterday from my 28g Nanocube.

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It's alive!!!! Looking great as usual... I'm about to take down my 40 long, it had been quite stable and served me well over the past few years... and if you're looking for some cheap MH fixtures, I'll give you a great deal in a few weeks!

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I love that Jungle Ruin paludarium very cool!


I'm going to get into frogs soon. I want to get some Fire-Bellied Toads with a few anoles. I also need the good equipment and live plants though so I need to read up on them.

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It's alive!!!! Looking great as usual... I'm about to take down my 40 long, it had been quite stable and served me well over the past few years... and if you're looking for some cheap MH fixtures, I'll give you a great deal in a few weeks!


Ok PM me when you want to sell them...it is 2 Viper 150w MH clamp lights from what I recall right?


I love that Jungle Ruin paludarium very cool!


I'm going to get into frogs soon. I want to get some Fire-Bellied Toads with a few anoles. I also need the good equipment and live plants though so I need to read up on them.



yes read up! FBT's are pretty easy....the hardest part is buying them crickets every few days haha



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