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Coral Vue Hydros

Whats happening ?


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Hey all,

Since i moved it to my bigger tank, my fav blasto acting strange, dividing into smaller whitish, bubble like flesh, and there are many small polyps i see beneath the skeleton.


Whats happenig ? dying, consuming himself or growing ?


Thanks indeed, here are the pics...





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The coral might not like where it is placed in the tank. You should try placing it where there is more water flow or less. The same goes with the light it may be getting too much or not enough. Try moving the coral up the rocks at an inch or two at a time towards the light until it looks happier, also while doing this move the coral where there is more water movement at the same time. Or the water chemistry is not right and thats what is making the coral is unhappy.

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my blastos looked like that for a few weeks when the new heads starting to get bigger. Took like 3-4 weeks befor it started opening fully again but went from two heads to eight.

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makes me think of how a euphyllia hammer coral head looks like in the final stages of splitting. Like it's turning inside out, I think it has to do with internal reorganization.

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Kinda looks like my bubble/warty mushroom. Try putting it on the sandbed. (Kinda looks cool still!)


It didnt get better so, today moved it to sandbed. It looks as if it is dividing itself into bubbles.



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It didnt get better so, today moved it to sandbed. It looks as if it is dividing itself into bubbles.




Honestly that does look a little better, less generally swollen and you can almost sort of see blasto patterns in there.



How recent was the move? Could it be salinity related (or even a different param?)

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Thanks for replies... :happy:


i just moved it yesterday, fed him with tiny shrimp and accepted.


Tank par: 35ppt, 25 C, Ph:8.2, Kh:7, Ammo:0, NO2:0.02, NO3:1, Phos:0,Ca:430,Mg:1150.


Iam just trying to adjust Mg so i only add Mg daily.

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  • 6 months later...



Tank pmt: 240 lt. - 25 C - pH:8.2 - kH: between 6-8 - Nh3/4:0- Nh2:0,02 - Nh3:1 - Salinity:35 ppt, no issues with any other stock.


Light pmt: 2x39 W T5 with DIY LED


Positioning: in the middle of 40 cm total water height


Any help would be appriciated...













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Gotta say I'm stumped on this too. Totally bizarre that it would be so strangely formed for months without dying/splitting/something. You certainly win the award for ugliest blasto ever... You could try shading it and see if it stretches. Seems like with blasto's the best treatment is usually less light but I kind of doubt it's a light or flow issue to have gone on this long...

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Gotta say I'm stumped on this too. Totally bizarre that it would be so strangely formed for months without dying/splitting/something. You certainly win the award for ugliest blasto ever... You could try shading it and see if it stretches. Seems like with blasto's the best treatment is usually less light but I kind of doubt it's a light or flow issue to have gone on this long...


Thanks, just changed the place with less light and flow, also dipped for a minute...moved the aggressive ones further..also removed the tube worms in its rock....lets wait and see

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Thanks, just changed the place with less light and flow, also dipped for a minute...moved the aggressive ones further..also removed the tube worms in its rock....lets wait and see


How is it looking now?

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  • 8 months later...
It didnt get better so, today moved it to sandbed. It looks as if it is dividing itself into bubbles.




No way! You gave it back? The centers of that blasto is AMAZING looking! I would've wanted that blasto in a heart beat!

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No way! You gave it back? The centers of that blasto is AMAZING looking! I would've wanted that blasto in a heart beat!


Well yes it was a great coral indeed, but could not be treated in my tank.


So maybe he could reveal itself in another tank, gave him a chance i thought.

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Well yes it was a great coral indeed, but could not be treated in my tank.


So maybe he could reveal itself in another tank, gave him a chance i thought.

I wish I've seen this earlier. At one point ALL of my Lps had these strange bubbles underneath their flesh, getting so big that it looked like it would pop and rupture at the surface. Somebody told me to check my temperature, as it happened to them also. Even though my tank was always 80 degrees, this made all of it go away. Did you atleast get a credit for it?

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I wish I've seen this earlier. At one point ALL of my Lps had these strange bubbles underneath their flesh, getting so big that it looked like it would pop and rupture at the surface. Somebody told me to check my temperature, as it happened to them also. Even though my tank was always 80 degrees, this made all of it go away. Did you atleast get a credit for it?


My tank was also running stable @25-26 C (77-80 F), so raising the temp is the cure for that?

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