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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Hot box cycle AKA cleveland steamer


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I remember a while ago when I was cycling some rock and I had the temp of the bucket hot about mid 80's low 90's, I did not check the temp when I started, the other bucket I had was about 75 degrees.

The hot bucket seemed to cycle much faster then the colder one, I posted something about this in another thread and was wondering if having a hotter tank in the beginning would help cycle faster and if so what would be an ideal temp for maximum cycling time.


I work in a bakery so when days are hot inside (100 degrees or so) the bread rises 3 to 4 times faster, I was wondering if this would apply to bacteria in a tank too. One of the things I think about when I am in the middle of making 1000 dinner rolls for the day. I daydream alot.


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I think that bacteria will multiply faster the warmer it is. But I have no clue what the upper end of that spectrum would be and I am sure there is a temperature where it actually restricts growth instead of helping it. I would think the mid 80's would be fine.

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I think that bacteria will multiply faster the warmer it is. But I have no clue what the upper end of that spectrum would be and I am sure there is a temperature where it actually restricts growth instead of helping it. I would think the mid 80's would be fine.


My grandfather wrote his med school thesis on the effects of extreme temperatures on bacteria. I read through some of it, and although most of it was over my head what I took away was that bacteria can thrive in RIDICULOUS temperatures. I mean like 250 degrees and -100....... They would probably grow in hotter water than you can safely create.

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first, extremophile bacteria are completely different than normal bacteria in 78-80 degree saltwater


second, i always thought a Cleveland steamer was something entirely different as well...

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