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Upgrading Pump in BioCube 14 - Need Suggestions!


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I upgraded the pump in my BioCube 29 HQI to the Rio 6HF and I was planning to put the only pump for the BioCube 29 HQI in my BioCube 14, but it wouldn't fit. Over the last year or two the BioCube 14's pump seems to be getting weaker. If I had to guess, I'd say less than 100gph.


Has anyone upgraded their BioCube 14's pump? If so, what did you upgrade with?

Thanks in advance :)

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hate to ask it but do you clean out the pump regularly? that being said, does a MJ900 or 1200 fit in there? i honestly cannot remember what i used for my 14g when i had it

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the maxi jet 900 will fit, and from what I understand the 1200 is the same exact size as the 900, just with higher output. I ran a maxi jet 900 in my tank until it died recently.

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hydor makes a pump that seems to be a good potion. It's small enough, low wattage, cheap and moves a good bit of water. Drs foster and smith carries them

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MAXI-JET 900 in mine. Fits no problem, I think I might have had to cut off 1/2" from the return line as the pump was taller then the stock one. Lots more flow over the stock pump. Nice and quiet as well.

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I have the Hydor Pico 1200 in mine. It's smaller than the stock pump, so no problems fitting there. I did the usual things, took out the elbow, replaced the hose and just for good measure, popped off the flow regulator. It works nicely and is very quiet. I have pics of it in comparison to the stock pump on my tank thread.

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