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Coral Vue Hydros

Tunze9002 and SteveT's cup


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Ok, i've been looking at the skimmer for a while, tried buying used a few times, finances didn't allow it, but recently a club member bought a 9002 and SteveT's cup for a 28hqi that he didn't end up using. Was selling at a large loss after two weeks, and this became my birthday present.




So i set it up Friday night. didn't get much other than a little moisture on the cup all saturday, so i wasn't very happy thinking all the reviews were calling this the best thing since sliced bread. Sunday, i screwed around with it...


Noticed that my water level in the tank was high, so i figured the skimmer was blocking the water a little so i pushed it back away from the inlet. fixed the problem in the tank.


had trouble putting in and taking out the skimmer, but found that if i put the cord on the longer side, and not against the baffles, this was remedied.


played around with the air intake, and decided i am definitely going to mod it since using that little valve is horrid.

had some trouble with the cup, because the cup is very wobbly when it is rested on the top of the skimmer, but i THINK i figured it out that the cup actually sits on the back rim? also, i *thought* it was supposed to allow me to open the hood without taking the cup out? maybe i can get clarification on that.


Got the water level situated about where the line is, sorta difficult since the baffles aren't see through, and i cannot get to the back of my tank.


HOLY SMOKES!!! once i got that last adjustment in, the bubbles coming up the cup were amazing! it's a little too wet, so i'm going to have to change the air intake setting (need to do that mod asap), but i finally have skimmate coming out!


now, i have to figure out where to put some chaeto, my activated carbon, phosban, and filter media.

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Remember all skimmers have a 2 week break in period and the water level line is the maximum. It teds to work best up to 1/2" below that line.

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Remember all skimmers have a 2 week break in period and the water level line is the maximum. It teds to work best up to 1/2" below that line.


i'm thinking that my estimating eye has the line somewhere around this 1/2" mark. how touchy are they water level wise? i noticed this morning, without making an air adjustment, that the bubbles weren't going nearly as crazy, but i had about an inch of water in the cup. wasn't sure if that small amount of water level loss was critical or not.

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They are very touchy to water level changes. Skimmers are also not on off devices where they will work 100% of the time just because they are plugged in. So many factors in play

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Had a tunze 9002 for about 8 months.Tried lowering ,rasing skimmer.tweeking air valve,cleaning cup and entire skimmer frequently.Result?it hasn't skimmed anything in 5 months.It just foams and fills the cup with clear water or foams and doesn't fill the cup at all.It worked at first okay, but stopped for some reason.


I'm just about to take this P.O.S out the the backyard and smash it.


Got to be the most overpriced piece of junk i wasted my money on to date.IMO spend the money and get a good skimmer(not that this junk is cheap}.

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Had a tunze 9002 for about 8 months.Tried lowering ,rasing skimmer.tweeking air valve,cleaning cup and entire skimmer frequently.Result?it hasn't skimmed anything in 5 months.It just foams and fills the cup with clear water or foams and doesn't fill the cup at all.It worked at first okay, but stopped for some reason.


I'm just about to take this P.O.S out the the backyard and smash it.


Got to be the most overpriced piece of junk i wasted my money on to date.IMO spend the money and get a good skimmer(not that this junk is cheap}.



from all the forums, i have to say yours is the first bad thing i've heard about the tunze ever, and i've been looking into them for months now.

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You need to re read then.Alot of people are un- happy with the performance.


I have the skimmer currently and get get it to work for the life of me.Any tips would be appreciated?(ive tried every thing you can find in the forums so far).

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