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Rock Nems


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Anyone have any experience with rock anemones? I was thinking of getting one for my 8g Biocube. Will it get too big for my tank? Are there any anemones that could do well in an 8g tank (other than aptasia haha)?


18x CREE LEDs (on Dave Fason's custom controller)


Big three all zero

pH 8.2

temp 78.2

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I've got a few and really like them. They're easy to care for and don't like a ton of light, so they fill out a dark corner of my tank nicely. Rehype's probably right about getting big for a 8g though.

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Rock flower anemones? I had a couple.They are the same in requirements for a maxi mini IME, but they will appreciate more light than a maxi would tolerate, however they do fine in medium light as well.

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If you start with a small rock anemone and feed it nothing but light its going to take a long time to outgrow an 8 gallon tank. They don't grow that big. My largest ones were probably 4.5" and that was after 3.5 years and intensive feeding.

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I had a feeling they'd get too big. I've never seen one over 3" or 4", but I've always heard they can get dinner plate size. I do have a 115g I could move one into if it outgrows my 8g, but I'm not sure I want to buy a rock nem if it won't be happy in an 8.


How often would I have to feed a mini maxi? I don't know much about them.

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You really don't have to feed either type of anemone. Rock anemones like med/high light and maxis like med light. What kind of light are you going to put over the 8 gallon?

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You really don't have to feed either type of anemone. Rock anemones like med/high light and maxis like med light. What kind of light are you going to put over the 8 gallon?


I have custom LEDs on my 8g. 18x CREEs with Dave Fason's custom controller. TONS of light. To the point where I wonder if it's not too much light...

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Mine is around 6" to 7" in diameter. it's huge! At some point I got a clam and the rock flower decided to move right beside the clam. Took me forever to force it to move away but after putting rocks around it to push it away it finaly moved. When they decide to move they can settle anywhere and that can be a problem.


I would say go with the mini maxi.

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